Tennessee 2014

John & I had originally planned to make this trip back in spring, but when our dog got sick, it was put on hold. Fall is a better time to visit the south anyway, right?
Packed up the car and loaded the bikes on the trailer for what I thought would be a grueling 20 hour drive....but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Pulled into Cleveland, TN. on Thursday night and was out riding on Friday morning :Sport:
Went up the Ocoee River to a place we called The Blue Holes (went swimming there as a kid).....but it looks really different now since they had some Olympic events there back in '96.



Saturday we went for another ride....me, John, my 2 brothers, and sister in law. What a blast! They took us up to Bald River Falls.
I had forgotten how pretty Tennessee could be with it's canopy of trees.




Sunday & Monday were dedicated to family stuff & seeing old friends. I was successful in finding the rest of my grandfathers pictures and some other stuff.

Tuesday was the Pièce de résistance!! The Tail of the Dragon & the Cherohala Skyway! We had so much fun on the Dragon that we went up and back 3 times :D






Guess we'll have to buy some pictures off the Killboy & 129.com sites...maybe one of them will be a bike of the month winner! LOL

p.s. yes, this is a copy/paste from our sister site :O