My new TWINS

without words

Tomas °1 November 2010 0h19cet 2,420kg 46,5cm (5,34lbs 18,31inch)
Ruben °1 November 2010 0h24cet 2,600kg 46,5cm (5,73lbs 18,31inch)

Congratulations my friend! Unfortunately, after viewing your video on Belgium I'm not sure which branch of government will educate them, who will deliver their mail, or where they'll go to settle their tax disputes when the government confuses one twin for the other. I do know this from the video: there will be a lot of good government jobs and vacancies for politicians available when they get old enough for a job.

Just kidding of course. They're beautiful.
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I hope both Mother and twins are well. Pass along my congratulations to your wife!! Now the tough part begins. Great looking family you are blessed with.
At first I thought this thread was about a new v-twin powered bike of yours, but I see it's actually something even better!

Congrats to you!
Congratulations to you both!!! I really believe having kids changes you for the better. Caution however: They do take spit, grit and lot's of diapers but they are the best :D

Best wishes and look forward to pics man... Good luck!!!
Congrats to you both and we welcome Ruben and Tomas with a big Happy Birthday! A handsome pair of boys! It WILL get easier after the first three months. Promise! :tup:
Many thanks all for the best wishes. Yes I'm feeling very blessed and looking forward to see them grow up, together with my oldest son and daughter. My daughter has been a great help the past days helping us out in feeding them and changing diapers...
The boys are doing great. They've lost some weight day one, but are now back onto gaining weight. The missus has had a short dip due to eclampsie, but this is now being sorted and she's getting better. I'm staying with her in the hospital to take care of my boys while she can rest. Fingers crossed we can come home this friday / this weekend.

Some new pictures
(left=Ruben, right=Tomas (I think :confused0024: ) (kidding)
PS they are identical twins


DenArnold & Ruben
Oh man .. the look on Ruben's face is priceless! Great pic for baby captions! lol

Twins look awesome... great for you guys. Hope you find time for rest over the coming weeks.. exciting times for sure.. Enjoy! :D
We're all at home since Friday. The missus has recovered, but still requires some rest. The boys are doing great, only we need to slowly start shifting their day pattern. It seems as the were born shortly after midnight, they're awake at that time....

Happy together



Ruben (with the Superman outfit my daughter bought him (she's the godmother of Ruben together with my brother)
Handsome young boys!

So, tell us about living with twins... I remember the first three months with ours and the long nights. We took turns and slept in shifts. I wouldn't trade it for anything though.

Did she have a natural child birth with these two? That is less likely with twins but great for recovery for the Mother!

Two future racers.... :D
well my wife and I are now sleeping in shifts. As I need to be up for work at 06h00 am, I'm taking care of the boys untill midnight (which has been running well into 1-2 AM) and next shift is for the misses. She's now home till February so she can get some sleep during the day. So far this is doable, but I must admit that I need still some time for my body is fully adjusted to this new ritme...but they are doing great. They drink well and release the necessary stuff also very well, and have good sleeping moments...

The birth itself was full natural. We arrived at the hospital at 18h23 and they were born short after midnight. The contractions were well taken by my wife, by sitting on a large inflatable ball. Once she felt the urge to push, it took three pushes for Tomas and one for Ruben.
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