It Finally Happened!

Scotty just make sure that they are Gen II specific. The clutch levers are the same between both generations, but the brake levers are different. Don't know what the difference is exactly...

Ah thanks Tony. I found the ones for the genII :) their $35 a set. just waiting on my tax refund to come in next week now.
I just scored a set of GenI handlebars and bar ends for 25 bucks on the other site! Just waiting for the member to PM me back with the shipping cost. Thats it for the main things. I will look for some lowers after I figure out who's insurance is paying what. I still have no memory of the accident so it's now up to the police report which will decide how it will be handled.

The problem here in NYC is that few people want to get involved in anyone elses problems. If no witnesses came forward to verify that I was indeed in the right, then they will probably just go with what the other party said happened. It sucks that I was knocked out and couldn't speak up for myself since I am 100% positive that I was in the right. Well, I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow for the news from the police report before getting all pissed off for nothing.
Guess that answers my question about which jacket you were in and a good piece of information on the calipers.

Just remember,
[ame=""]YouTube- bad boys 2 scene - woosah[/ame]
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I'm just glad that you are alright and not Fazed by the recent off......

As for the trip, It was fun, costly, and still in need of a vacation from the vacation. I've got a long list of many "honey-dos" that the wife wants done prior to my oldest going to school.

not to mention, I am now reduced to the car for a have a bad fork seal, right leg, and I'm in need of getting service. Sooooooo, my only daily mini-vacation break has been put on hold for a spell.....
also, looking at your photos, makes me wonder about the zinc disc or the option of installing a slider in that position......slider would of caused even more havoc if it had been installed.....
RE: Recent ouch

OUCH . . . .
Sorry to read about your accident ! I've been away for few days and just now read through the thread. Glad you weren't hurt anymore than you were. Also glad your bike is no worse for the wear. I'm in that group with you: been down, but not out ! Good luck in your recovery.
OUCH . . . .
Sorry to read about your accident ! I've been away for few days and just now read through the thread. Glad you weren't hurt anymore than you were. Also glad your bike is no worse for the wear. I'm in that group with you: been down, but not out ! Good luck in your recovery.

Thanks Bud! I'm actually feeling a lot better today. I'd be much better if some of this brutal heat and humidity would calm down! I'm one of those "75 degrees and lower" guys. I have a PM for handlebars and bar ends over at the other site that I'm waiting to hear back from. Once thats done I will have everything except lower fairings but those can wait for now. I just want to get the ball rolling. Everything is so slow here because the police department seems to need 3 or 4 days to get a lousy accident report written up! Without that, Geico can't get anything else rolling.

Hopefully this will all be a distant memory soon. Thanks again!
NY thanks for the link..I actually have been watching some of those on eBay from them already and wondered what kind of quality I would you I wanted some nice lookin shorties (in gold) but balked at paying 179 bucks for them. Thanks to you I ordered some today from them!
I heard back from the member over at the other site. He will let me know tomorrow about the shipping costs for the GenI handlebars and bar ends. Yeah baby! I'm almost back.

Some black paint and these babies will be good as new!

Wow Billy! I've been travelling cross country and back these past 3 weeks so I have been out of touch. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I may have missed it in the thread but were you hit by a car? I'm real glad you're OK though and the bike can be fixed for reasonable money. Heal well my friend.
Dear Murphy: god of mishaps, You've had your three FZ1 mishaps this year, so let no more mishaps happen to anyone on this forum and to those who are smart enough to ride on two wheels for next coming 100 years :woot:

Luckily all three unfortunates only had to dig some money out their pockets and no major physical injuries.

To all, ride safe and may Murphy look the other way
Hi everyone, I just thought I'd give you an update as to whats happening. First off, the bars and bar ends have shipped and should be here before the end of the week. A special thanks goes out to Alan (Fade), from the other site. He not only cut the price to practically nothing, but he also shipped them out before any payment was made! Now thats a true "stand-up" individual to say the least.

Now for the bad news. Just as I suspected, I get to the station today and picked up the report. Now bear in mind that the intersection where this happened is a MAJOR intersection with Bus Stops on three corners and in the height of rush hour. Needless to say, NOT ONE WITNESS came forward to come to my aid. So of course the police only took the other party's statement where of course he lied and said that I hit him! My bike has absolutely ZERO damage to anything on the front, not a scratch! Not on the front fender, forks, fairing nose, mirrors, headlights, windshield, nothing!, but I hit him!

My blood pressure was boiling all the way home. I had Richie come down with my camera and pulled the bike out and took a bunch of pics of the front of the bike, all sides, up, down, and every which way. Then I went upstairs and had him take pictures of every black and blue, every bump, every cut, on my body.

After speaking with the Liability Adjuster for Geico this morning I was pissed to find out that my coverage only covers the other party in the event that I hit someone! The only way my bills get paid is after they see the accident report and make a ruling on whose at fault. Good luck with that! It's my word against his and I was out cold! This is what you get here in NY when you are a victim, which is how I feel at the moment.

Well, now my "other side" has taken over! To think, I must of had 7 or 8 people screaming law suit to me the day I got home, and me telling them that it wouldn't be right, to let the insurance company take care of it. I've never felt the need to sue someone in the event of a simple accident if there was no bad intentions and purely accidental, but to have this creep sit there while I'm out cold on the pavement possibly seriously injured, and lie about what happened just pisses my the hell off! Not to mention that if the police officer would have made a simple observation as to why the entire front of my bike was untouched, making it impossible for me to have hit him is just pure laziness and lack of judgement!

Well, tomorrow I'm calling a lawyer and letting them take it from this point on! I'm tired of spending my life being pissed on for always doing the "right thing". I'm the one sitting here with a swollen arm, leg, shoulder, and new black and blues popping up every day.

I'm really sorry for venting here but I'm here by myself and needed to vent. I'll keep you guys informed up until the lawyer tells me to "zip it".
Well that really sucks, but as you say it was to be expected in NY where no one wants to get involved in anything.

I'm with you on this one. I'm not one to propose suing anybody for the hell of it like many people out there do, but in this case you really have no choice as it may be the only way you get your medical bills covered.

Hope the lawyer has some good news for you...
Man, that makes me feel like I need to get a video camera and just keep it running every minute I am on the bike!

Billy, I am a firm believer in Karma. You just keep being the good guy. Your rewards will come! ...and if not I will buy you lunch next time I am in NY. ;)
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Ah hell Billy, don't appologise for venting. You need to tell someone about it. Hope ya win in the end and if ya lawyer is any good he should take them to the cleaners! A friend of mine a few years back was hit by a car while walking on the side of the road and knocked out and the driver paid the cops off to make it look like he was at fault. In the end his lawyer did his homework and found out that the cops wrote up the report without even being at the scene (ambo's reported no police attendance) and he ended up with a big settlement out of court.
So, good luck my friend.
Thanks guys! I've always been ridiculed for going the straight and narrow. I also teach my son to do the same. I too believe in Karma and never looked for the "crooked" way out of anything in my life and the Lord knows I've had plenty of chances in my 48 years here, but it truly maddens me that I am forced to bring a lawyer into the mix because of what happened. Society practically forces you to do things you really don't want to do just to get simple satisfaction.
Billy, I am sorry that in this society, not one soul stepped forward to offer an account of what happened that day. It makes you really lose hope in humanity. You are right to lawyer up and get them to investigate what happened. One of the first things I would do is to arrange a meeting very soon with the cop who attended this accident. Show him all the pictures and ask him to explain how it was you that hit the other person. Have the lawyer immediately pursue the other party and get pictures of whatever damage was done to their car.

Does the report list where the two vehicles were, what the directions of travel were and all? Is there a description of the other party's car? Name? Address? Perhaps you can do a drive-by and shoot some pics on your own of that persons car.

I hope you can nail this jerk to the wall!!! :rant: And, no problem venting at all! We're all here for you Brother!