This Guy Doesn't Like Bikers!

Dumb Drunk Redneck (DDR) - I've just coined this phrase I think....

News item says he's arrested and in for some hard times after those bad decisions. Good no one was hurt.

Ok - so some idiot bikers don't hold on to the laws very tightly.... there is nothing giving any driver a reason to be angry at any one rider, or less so making him responsible for vigilante trying to run the guy off the road as he passed. Right at the beginning was where the driver did the most dangerous move, trying to keep the biker from passing in the first place. What a complete moron. I hope he gets what he deserves, as the news report says, attempted murder, or attempted assault with a deadly weapon, at the very least lose his right to drive ANY vehicle EVER again, except maybe a Vespa - that'll help reduce his testoterone a bit! LOL

Do you have a link for that news report? It would please me to know this guy's locked up some place. This video has me finally thinking to get one of those GoPro HD's. Perfect for evidence.

Billy, it also has me thinking if you were recording the day you got knocked down the driver who cut you off (I'm thinking you almost certainly were cut off or knocked down) would be toast.
just a comment - someone said maybe those riders had never ridden those roads before....?

If that's the case, what kind of judgment did they exercise at those speeds on so many blind corners and hills? That whole video was a series of very bad potentials from both sides of the street.

Just sayin'


Thanks for the link. This is taken from that link:

The guy videotaping the incident posted up on our local board tonight confirming it was him and giving a first-hand update. I though everyone might want to know where things stand as of right now:

"Hey guys, yes its me. We are working with the local authorities to bring this POS to justice. They are not interested in the double yellow pass. It was a good pass. The truck was slow moving and it was within the law.

No arrest made yet. The truck was not registered to the driver.

This guy had it out for sportbikes due to someone on one allegedly running his mom of the road at some point. Per douchebag. He would have attempted something if we passed or not.

Really wanted to rip his head off but refrained as other people passing would have witnessed 2 bikers beating on one guy. It would have made a bad situation worse and I wanted the police to handle it. An a$$ whooping fades after a while, but legal action can hang around."

I am definitely in the camp of taking this PU driver off the streets and I most certainly side with the bikers. I'm not saying they were harmless as I remember a few years back riding something like this on local roads with a crazyass friend of mine that likes to fly on his FJR. We were eventually stopped by a NH State trooper for flying on a bigger road. He said he got a report of two bikers tearing up the streets in residential neighborhoods, took out licenses and registrations, and went back to his car to check it out. He came back and said we didn't fit the description and let us go. I thanked him very much and since then used his clemency to be more responsible on local roads. So I do appreciate the point being made above. However, no matter how you slice it, the guy in the pickup is an order of magnitude more dangerous, IMO.
I also do not condone unsafe double yellow passing, but that redneck moron surely would not have gotten off that easy with me. Once he picked up that tire iron it would have been all over!
This whole road rage thing is nuts. I'm 40 yrs old and I'm amazed at how this is becoming an epidemic. You used to never hear about this happening.
As far as why it's happening: Who knows?!!?!
I disagreed with a few of you yesterday about the cause of what was going through the truck driver's mind. In hind sight - we may never know what was going through his mind. Any statements that come out now are going to be "Lawyer-fied" and vetted for his protection. I have to say that I can't understand what would make someone use a 5000lb automobile and try to run over someone. Or swerve over into oncoming traffic. During my day of thinking about it - I remembered all the times that I have seen people stop at a stop sign, look my way and pull directly out in front of me. That is insane!!! And it is becoming more and more common.
I just don't get it. It's one thing for 2 men to get into a fight. I understand that but to slam (or attempt) to slam an automobile into some is a major jump from punching someone in the face.
The story that we have been talking about is just the most recent. I remember reading about one similar to it on the other forum. Now I'm seriously thinking about buying a video camera for my protection in an automobile accident.
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