Recent content by harra

  1. harra

    San Diego restaurants

    Phil's BBQ
  2. harra

    My new plan. I'm done with the BS!!

    Is it legal there?
  3. harra

    My new plan. I'm done with the BS!!

    Here in S.D. it's a basic free-for-all. Especially during the commute. Cops only show up after a huge pile up. If it's just a "normal" accident they get pissed off if you call, they Refuse to show up. Everyone is on their own for the most part. And all considered, running nose to tail at...
  4. harra

    My new plan. I'm done with the BS!!

    Nowhere to hide Yeah, sometimes the world just sucks.. Sometimes you just run into the same types of people over and over again, and the lop-sided or upside down justice of the world - it all just makes you sick and you nearly want to cry till you start laughing. My luck, if I did have a...
  5. harra

    Cool FZ1 Mods for Sale

    What is the shock rated for? How many miles on it?
  6. harra

    200,000 Mile Club

    Original clutch. :) Great video. I loved it.
  7. harra

    200,000 Mile Club

    Awesome grl Hey grl, WAY TO GO!!! (I'll hit 140k tommorrow- only sixty more to go..) J.
  8. harra

    Roth AIS Blockoff Plates

    pm sent ,,payment sent .
  9. harra

    NSFW: Cannot stop laughing at this one!

  10. harra

    Gen 2 oem parts

    faring insert panels faring insert panels pm
  11. harra

    Yamaha Factory Hard sidebags and the hardware

    imadummy And it appears one must go to the control panel, settings, and then select the save option there, otherwise it must be done with each msg. that is sent/replied in order to have a record and the ability to review correspondance. I'm learning. OK folks, we are just working out details...
  12. harra

    Yamaha Factory Hard sidebags and the hardware

    yes Something is screwy with my pm feature. Yes I want the bags. I'll keep trying to pm you, not sure if the site has problems or something I'm doing wrong. edit: ok, I had to check the box on options to save a copy of sent message to my folder. .. I thought the messages I sent were not...
  13. harra

    Twistybutt - Japan style

    nice pictures.