What did you do to your FZ today?

I noticed an oil weep around on the case around the oil level, sight glass. It wasn't that prior to my ride to work Thursday. The bike also made a whirring noise on the way home from work. I'd never heard it make that noise before. Hummm...I've no idea where it's coming from or what the noise is. May require a trip to Zabor's Cycles to have Paul troubleshoot it. Ugh...
I will tomorrow, I work 13 hour shifts so my time is short when I am working. I have only done this mod this time so I will be able to see if there is any noticeable difference. Of course the 4 extra HP in the mid-range they claim is pretty small considering the actual HP of a stock FZ1. I plan on riding a different section of freeway so I can see if I feel a difference in handling as well. (the pull to the right I felt the other day) I love the bike compared to my Harley it is very smooth and quick. Not as agile as the FZR400 but few bikes can match the handling of the little Fizzer.
Dropped off parts at the body man for my next Fz1 purchase!! I don't think I have ever had this many parts waiting for the arrival of a bike. LOL
Rode to my local Yammy dealer today, he wants some picks for his updated website. And those levers are identical to the ones I got in the mail yesterday and fitted last night. Only slight problem is the clutch has to remain a fair way out to keep full stroke.
Rode to my local Yammy dealer today, he wants some picks for his updated website. And those levers are identical to the ones I got in the mail yesterday and fitted last night. Only slight problem is the clutch has to remain a fair way out to keep full stroke.

Mine seems to feel OK. I will have to check for proper operation before I launch out of my garage.
Sat on the fizzer with the shop door up and watched it rain and rain and RAIN !! Poooooooooo . . . . . :cuss:

Don't feel so bad Gary. I woke up at 3am to go with my buddy to do a "side job". I wound up not being able to sleep and only got 3 hours in before having to get up and leave. We got there at 4:30am, still dark, and worked until 11:30am. By the time we got back to his house for my car and the drive home, it was after 12 noon when I got back to the house. Needless to say, even though the weather is great today, I am way too sleepy to go tear the bike down. I'm going to bed early tonight to get an early start tomorrow. I hate it when I get that insomnia!!!:cuss:

The upside is I made enough just today to get my Harbor Freight Trailer!!! Yeah baby!!!
Well I tried a different section of freeway no pull to the right. Awesome... The Graves velocity stacks have made a noticeable difference in mid range punch @ about 4500-7500 rpm range. It feels a little punchier and pulls a little harder. I think they were worth the money. Graves says a 4hp bump in mid range, So some time this spring or summer I'll travel to the local Dyno and see what I have in real numbers. The butt Dyno is very happy.
Installed a 12 oclock labs speedo healer and calibrated it agains a gps unit. THANKS PETE!. For those of you with this unit I'm running -1/+1 with a 190/50 my correction factor is-12.9% and seems to be dead on.
I know I am going at this the backwards way but it is kinda fun gathering parts in anticipation of a bike. UPS brought me a package from PJ's today. :nana:

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I know I am going at this the backwards way but it is kinda fun gathering parts in anticipation of a bike. FedEx brought me a package from PJ's today. :nana:


Don't feel bad Bogie. My bike is just a frame and engine at this point and I must have 17 different packages coming to me. I have a detailed list so I can keep track of all of them. By the way the exhaust looks sweet!! I'm excited for ya brother!!!