Used Seargent World Sport Performance Seat for Sale: 2nd Gen FZ1

I have a front and rear Sargent World Sport Performance Seat for sale.


1) Front seat is in excellent condition and like new. Color is Black CarbonFX with Black welt. Model: WS-562F-19


2) Rear seat foam and base are excellent condition, however, seat cover has scuffs and cut in material as documented in the images. It is a significant comfort upgrade for the passenger from stock and can easily be used as-is or re-upholstered to be like new again. Color is Black CarbonFX with Black welt model: WS-562R-19




I find these seats to be a vast improvement over the stock in both comfort and feedback feel. The Sargent has a dished shape which I think looks very good and it helps distribute the pressure points better. It seems to have a better angle than stock, too, which I found would push me into the tank too much. It has surprisingly good long-ride comfort qualities plus an improved feel-of-the-bike and handling.

Front and rear seat set from Sargent retails at $469 plus taxes / import (Sargent's website). I'll sell both for $200 which is still much less than buying the front seat on its own. They only come as a pair.

Location is Vancouver Canada for viewing or pickup. Will ship to Canada or continental US.