Ugly crash, bike and gear destroyed

Rex D.

Well-Known Member
:doh2:It's a long story but last August I hit a large buck broadside (at night) while going 60 mph which resulted in my being thrown off my FZ1 after it went into a violent shimmy that progressed into a full right bar lock in about .5 seconds. I landed on my back, slid about 50 feet, hit a curb with my knee which launched me off the road, then ended up falling off a near sheer drop of about 20 feet. I was wearing armor head to toe which saved me from much body damage. I still ended up cracking my pelvis, broke a rib, broke my knee cap, over-rotated my hip joints and lots of other internal bruising. My only rash was on my elbow due to my sleeve rolling and exposing me to the "20 grit" aspalt. The deer died at the scene. My FZ1 died at the scene, it was basically broken in half. Now for the good part of this story. Four weeks after the crash I bought another FZ1, same year '07, same color, cobalt blue, almost like new, 3,500 miles. I began a slow process of swapping my upgrades to the new bike (the parts that survived anyway) as I was in a great deal of pain. Even my Akropovic' exhaust survived after I sanded and clear-coated the carbon fiber sleeve. Seems the left side of the bike took all the repeated hits as it went end over end. The sleeve had some scratches and scrapes. I started riding again last week. All of my gear was turned into shredded junk including my tail bag. My sport riding boots have skid marks from the crash but I will still wear them, clearly they saved my ankles from serious damage. I've replaced my jacket, pants, gloves and helmet but my Cargo Endurance Monster tail bag was not available to purchase anymore. Cycle gear used to carry the bag but they've dropped the line of gear. Ebay shows a european distributor but they don't ship to the US. I would really like to get another bag of the same model but I've struck out. Does anyone know where I can get one? Does anyone have one they could part with? Please let me know! I've looked at the other bags on the market but none compare as far as I'm concerned. I need the volume of a larger bag.
Wow that sounds like a horrible crash and glad your ok. You should try contacting the seller on Ebay tell them your story they just may decide to ship it state side.
Holy crap man! That's a HORRIBLE accident but I'm glad you are back on two wheels and typing to us all about it. Sorry it happened to you. Do you have any pictures of any of the aftermath?

I'll look around for a bag that might replace yours. How many liters was the capacity of the one you had? Any pics of it?

Glad to know you're still here, still riding! :tup:
The photos don't really do it justice. When put on the center stand both wheels touched the ground as the bike sagged in the middle due to broken frame and broken engine. Engine case broken in two places, sump broken, side cover over generator broken. Rear wheel bent, sprocket and chain bent, forks bent. I tore the bike down to the ground and had a "no good" pile that became almost the entire bike.
Hey RexD... Glad you are ok after such an horrific crash...

I am in England... if you want to buy that bag and have it shipped to me .. then i will gladly ship it on to you mate?

Hey, thanks silver dream. I just checked back with ebay and the "cargo endurance monster tail bag" has been dropped. Most likely they have sold out and are not being made anymore. I'll have to look for some other kind of replacement bag if someone on this forum doesn't come through with a used one I can purchase.
Hey, thanks silver dream. I just checked back with ebay and the "cargo endurance monster tail bag" has been dropped. Most likely they have sold out and are not being made anymore. I'll have to look for some other kind of replacement bag if someone on this forum doesn't come through with a used one I can purchase.

Sorry about your wreck. I've had several close encounters with deer over the 20 years I've been riding on the street. One was literally by inches, but luckily I never hit one. Glad you're still here to talk about it and you have your bike replaced...

When I bought my Duke it came with a Cycle Guys tail bag. It's brand new. The only time it was mounted was for the pics since I was going to sell it on another forum. It's has a very nice carbon fiber look and is universal and can also be collapsed down. Here is the website and some pics of it. PM me if you're interested and I'll let you have it for a nice deal...

The Cycle Guys Online Store





Hey, thanks for the bag offer. I'm really holding out for another monster tail bag. It expands upward and will hold a regulation size paper grocery bag.
Ouch Rex!. Looking at the other post's pics and reading your story, I'm glad you are back on the bike and in good shape...if you need me to assist in getting you some stuff from Europe and ship it to you , just howler...
ouch...........sound like a pretty bad crash....

i will appreciate your getting on the bike again......

:thewave: :thewave:

if something like that would have ever happened here in India I doubt the person's next 2-3 generations would even dream of getting on a bike.....

ride safe....