November 2014 M.B.O.M. - winner - Z Grand

The November 2014 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" under the "What's New" link. Click on that to start your upload.

November 2014 - M.B.O.M. <== click here

The rules are simple; One picture of a motorcycle owned by the member can be entered each month. If you win you must sit out the following two month's contests before entering again.

This month's voting will be enabled on Sunday October 19th and a winner announced on Thursday October 30th

The idea is to have a classy picture that showcases your machine in a nicely composed photo. It does not have to be an FZ1 but it must be yours. That's it! It is as much about the picture as the machine. You do not have to have a highly modified bike to enter, just a great picture! Just keep in mind that all photos must be family friendly! The winner's photo will grace the home page of for the specified month.

May the best picture win!
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all I can see is the # of votes on my own entry. all of the other pictures just say Vote with no amount.... is this normal ???? ok then every one just vote for me then :thewave:
all I can see is the # of votes on my own entry. all of the other pictures just say Vote with no amount.... is this normal ???? ok then every one just vote for me then :thewave:

It won't show you the current votes on other photos until you cast a vote yourself
I did send Admin a PM but have yet to hear back from him.......I'm a little scared to mess with anything right now, with my luck, I'll erase everything! :rolleyes: