I'm going to be a dad!


Thanks everyone! We appreciate all the kind words and encouragement! I can guarantee that if we do sell, I will have another bike in the near future. I'm kind of looking at this as a way to be able to get a new model down the road! I realize it may be tough financially, but that hasn't stopped me in the past. I'm pretty good at juggling debt and paying down bills, but having a little one is going to make that even more challenging.

One of our predicaments is the fact we have put off getting decent cars over the years and instead spent our money on the motorcycles. Having a good reliable car is an absolute must for a family, so we are finally getting my wife a new car. I'm still driving a 1988 Toyota Camry and its getting pretty rough around the edges. Definitely not a good car to haul the little one around in! The FZ1 is paid in full and selling it would be a good down payment toward a car for me. Its a tough choice!

We most definitely plan to introduce our son (Kaiden) to motorcycling. We already talked about getting him one of those little mini dirt bikes when he gets a little bigger. And if I do sell the FZ, I will be looking for a smaller used bike in the near future to temporarily satisfy our motorcycling desires until Kaiden gets a bit older.

I knew I would get a lot of great advice here, but I also knew making the decision to sell was going to be even more difficult after reading some of the posts! LOL! Maybe we will keep them... it's back to the thinking game. On a positive note, it was me who decided on the idea of selling the bikes, not my wife, so there is no pressure from her about keeping them! :shine:

Thanks again for all the kind words and encouragement, and for making my decision more difficult! LOL! For once I actually appreciate the extra complication of making a hard choice!

Your decision to buy more dependable cars shows you're ready to be a parent. My humble opinion is that parenting is all about the being the responsible ones and showing the kids the way to become the same. That being said, if you can swing holding onto at least one bike do it. My wife and I were fortunate enought to have decent and lucrative jobs. My wife told me she was pregnant on the morning of a planned bike purchase. It didn't make me stop riding, just postponement of a new bike. My daughter is 13 now, and one of our best bonding activities is on my bike. Some unknowing and less than understanding family and so called friends questioned my decision to keep on riding. And even start doing track days. My answer to everyone, even those that will never understand, is My motorcycle activities are my release. My wife knows that after even a short half hour loop I'm a more calm relaxed Dad. One of the earlier posts pointed out that if you don't have things to enjoy in life you will be miserable. The people that gave up the bikes for their kids are to be commended for their decisions. My two cents is: If can swing it for your self. Keep one to ride. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

Off my soapbox now. Congratulations Papa. Parenthood is the best thing to ever happen to me. I truely hope it's the same for you. Enjoy that kid as much as you can. It's a blink of an eye and they're grown.
If its for better transportaion then its a hands down choice. As far as getting the little guy a bike of his own down the road, I couldnt wait for the day.
I got him going at 3years on a PW 50 from Craigs list. He loves to ride it every day.

100_5073.mp4 video by Earlzach - Photobucket

100_5081.mp4 video by Earlzach - Photobucket

That's the cutest pic I've ever seen!!! I loved him telling the dog to look out. Then I thought he was gonna run over the dog but his ability to ride is awesome. :)
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You are a lucky man, my two boys are now 28/25 and being with them as they grew up were the greatest days of our lives, I wish you and your wife all the happiness and joy that we still have with our kids who went EVERYWHERE with us until their mid teens.

Every morning waiting for me key in hand was this little Biker to be.


They spent a year traveling around Australia in our Toyota Troop Carrier which they finally let me sell last year with 580,000 Klicks on the clock since we bought it new in 1979.


You don't have to stop having fun just because you have kids, just involve them in everything you do no matter how adventurous, they will thank you for it. :)

All the best.
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