I Guess I Won't Be Riding Today!

I woke up to this! I guess I'll go down and pour the Seafoam in the tank and plug her in! :mad:

Well, I wished I were in Brad's shoes but I'm not. I ran down this morning and poured 4-1/2 oz. of Seafoam into the tank and let her run for about 5 or so minutes. I then lifted the tank and shut the petcock and let the float bowls run dry. Once the motor starved out of fuel and shut off, I rolled her back inside, plugged in the battery tender, and locked her up until next year. Tomorrow after work I'll throw the fitted cover on to keep her clean. I didn't want to do it today with the exhaust still hot. So I guess I'll have to live a couple of months through you southerners/westerners/aussies for now.
living vicariously

Well, I wished I were in Brad's shoes but I'm not. I ran down this morning and poured 4-1/2 oz. of Seafoam into the tank and let her run for about 5 or so minutes. I then lifted the tank and shut the petcock and let the float bowls run dry. Once the motor starved out of fuel and shut off, I rolled her back inside, plugged in the battery tender, and locked her up until next year. Tomorrow after work I'll throw the fitted cover on to keep her clean. I didn't want to do it today with the exhaust still hot. So I guess I'll have to live a couple of months through you southerners/westerners/aussies for now.

Time to walk a mile in another man's snowshoes. At least your season lasted longer than north of the 49th. Snowing here today as well. My baby has been hooked up to the "Optimate4" life support system for over a month now, nice FZ1 cover over her. Last tank contains the fuel stabilizer run into the fuel injection as per the instructions. It should be ready when natures gives me parole.
Tons of snow here in central NJ too. I'm aching from shoveling today. Every snowstorm I swear I’m buying a snow blower. Then as soon as the snow is gone the funds get directed elsewhere.

I've been putting Startron in the gas on the last few tanks. It's on the tender. Every couple weeks I'll open the garage door and start it up for awhile until it gets warm. That's my winter routine.

Get well Haileyan.
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It got up to 57 today here.

Thats Great "J". Brohay was telling me today how he wished it would snow over there. I told him that anytime he wants to trade, I'm ready. Me, I can do without the seasonal changes. I've got enough hobbies to take up my time. It would never be boring for me. I really don't mind the cold. I was riding up until Dec. 18th without any heated gear. The last two days I rode, it was 18 degrees and 24 degrees. It's the friggin snow that I can do without. Now with this storm, even when the snow has melted, the roads are full of nasty rock salt. Thats the problem. That stuff ruins the heck out of the undercarraige of the bike. You would think that they could implement something else to melt the snow. I'm sure that up in Canada, they don't have salt lying on the roads until Spring like over here. The technology is there, the city is just too cheap to implement it. They can raise our taxes though, no sweat!
I know the feeling Billy. I woke up to this:


But I won't put the FZ into suspended animation yet. I'm still hoping for some decent days. I even rode around on Saturday with 16 degree temps. I'll wait till the salt gets washed away...it could happen...
Yea, I put some Seafoam in the FZ1 today and drained the gas from the YZF since it makes it easier to remove the tank and do some work on it over the Winter. Both batteries are on the Battery Tender until the Spring :(
I know the feeling Billy. I woke up to this:


But I won't put the FZ into suspended animation yet. I'm still hoping for some decent days. I even rode around on Saturday with 16 degree temps. I'll wait till the salt gets washed away...it could happen...

Boy Norm! If I didn't love riding so much I'd say that is a beautiful picture, but I do, so I really hate that shot. I feel sorry for us. If I never saw another flake of snow it would be just great!
I woke up to this! I guess I'll go down and pour the Seafoam in the tank and plug her in! :mad:

Wow, I almost feel bad posting this.. But it was so warm out today, I had to take off my jacket on my ride. But on a good note: I did get my forks dialed in and a few nice pic's. I'll be posting them soon
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Our bigest problem is having to get up at 6am to avoid the heat! I do feel for you guys, I lived in the UK for 36years and if we wanted to ride during the cold wet winters we had to deal with the salted roads and all the sh*t that that causes.
It's a little nicer here in OZ, 6am ride, 11am surf and 4pm BBQ...LOL