Does this count?

Yeah Leo, You get a load of this guy! 65 and sunny! Who does he think he is???? LOL. What time did you go out? When I left at 10:00am it was 31 degrees. Isn't it amazing that when winter comes we look for 1 degree increments in order to justify riding our bikes. You say: Yeah, its only 30 now but its going up to 34 later. It was warmer this evening when I left for church at 4:35 than it was all day. If I wasn't running so late, I would have ridden to church. Get out there tomorrow and enjoy the heat wave thats coming, 48 degrees!! Oh Happy Days!! Billy.
got out around noon it was a balmy 35degrees... didn't do crap for the tires, even an hour into riding I'm still doing rossi maneuvers...........
I hear that. I kept it slow and simple. Not to mention I had my son with me for the ride. Tomorrow should be better with the southwest winds coming in. The other forum is almost back online this evening. They are just updating the Database. Its only a matter of time now.
Oh Gen 1,, don't know much about the gen1, do you know where they are located? I'll try to take pics of where mine are on my bike, should give a general location..

cracked boots,, is your idle hard to control? or fluctuating?

65 and sunny you suck... I'm jealous just got back from riding.. It's freakin 35 here,, wasn't cold (1 peice suit)but my confidence levels are shot in these temps, my tires are acting like big wheel tires, don't mind the rear sliding a bit (look like a pro coming out of turns) but when the front feels like it's folding in half it kinda worries me

The boots are cosmetic, but I have replacements, just waiting to do the work all at once when I do the pod kit. Starts up in the morning with barely a second on the starter, and ambient temp in the garage is around 40 degrees. No prob with idle or having it fluctuating.

As for the weather, well, I would prefer some moisture (in the form of snow) and not having to climb above 7500 to get there either). All we are expecting to get is wind, wind, ohhh, and more wind. But it also makes it hard to do the necessary mods b/c the weather is still nice to be riding. It'll get there one day, maybe in 2009......

Man, 3 weeks already....I've been trying to do many things to my Gen1 and fighting for the bits and pieces all the way along. But you did give me one avenue to think about with the popping and I'm going to look into the air filter.

The only K&N filters I've seen are in Ivans Pod Kit. Is there an application where you don't have to do the kit, and is there a way to increase the overall airflow with the factory filter box??


I don't know how I missed this one... and if I had the power, I'd move it.... but... yeah...

Get a K&N filter for the box... and there are some airbox mods you can do...




Cut a 1" hole in the top of the box... directly above the snorkel....

then, cut the snorkel in half lengthwise... removing the section that points towards the carbs...

that's the airbox mod...

after that, I'd recommend a Factory Pro Jet kit and Timing advance.
Different as day and night

check with Ivan again, last time I was at his shop we were talking about general stuff,mods, on the gen 1&2, business, etc. One of the topics was about how he was able to direct more air from the stock air box, wasn't really listening 100% cause I just rode his gen 2 and coudn't get over how different it was compared to my gen2
anyway check with him, he might have a solution
So, after riding the Gen II what do you think of it as compared to the Gen I?
I rode my old Gen I a couple of months after I sold it and bought my GenII, and I gotta tell ya it was weird! The changes in looks at first didn't appear that different, but when you stand them together, you get all the changes and differences. Riding it blew my mind, faster off the bottom, but once into them rrrr's it was all gen II. I really realized how they differed when I rode the genI and it felt awful, uncomfortable, different riding position, brake bias felt off, I couldn't wait to get back on the Gen II and my friend felt the same way about wanting to get back on his bike. I guess you get used to the ergo elements and that different power band and it's hard to relate to something different even if you had owned the other bike previously, after getting used to that new (different) one it's not that comfortable to ride another:rolleyes::D. I loved my old bike, I really did, but when I brought home the Gen II, it's the first bike in almost 50 that I sometimes just go out to the garage and look at it, just visually eating it up. Weird:p