Conflicting Addictions

You and the Mr. could move to a warmer climate and join a nudest colony. They don't allow fabric, so that should do it!:scared0016:

I wouldn't be caught dead without clothing in public. I'd scare off the natives....but it's a good idea that would certainly be a "cure" for my addiction. :tup:
Well, there's always that quilt for the MBR Honey! ;)

My hobby is much worse.... I am a guy and I love to shop... motorcycle stuff, woodworking stuff, tools, power tools, anything with an engine.... At least I gave up one thing. No more PC Gaming. My last gaming rig was from 2007 and that was just put to pasture and made into the media center PC.

I am "Checks" and she is "Balances" and without balances, checks would ruin us! :D

Your hobbies are not necessarily worse as they are MUCH more expensive. I think I've had a EPIC FAIL with the balances part of my job lately. Lest I totally forget the word....the answer to your request is NO! Bwaaahahahahahahahaha!!!! :eek5:

Still workin' on that quilt.....sort of. Sad thing is, a few hours more and the top would be done. I need to drag myself away from FB at night. :ugh: