Close Call This Morning!

First thing I would have done: screamed like a little girl
Second: stomped on it!

Jeez Billy, wouldn't a fish be easier?!?!?!

Your right Brenda. I guess a couple of guppies would have sufficed but this critter just fell in my lap.........almost literally! After reading up on them, although their bite is not fatal, and less than 1% of bites cause death, I think I'm going to bring it to the pet shop tomorrow and see if they want it. I couldn't believe that the Bronx Zoo didn't want anything to do with it. Ten years ago I probably would have just stomped it but in my latter years I have become "soft" and can't get myself to hurt anything now.
Heckuva pet! How big is that thing?

Thanks Jeff. She's about 1-1/4" overall with a body about 1/2" long give or take a 1/16th. According to everything I have read thats about spot on for an adult female.

Here's a shot with a paper ruler I made in which every long line is an inch. Keep in mind that the ruler is a bit closer to me than she is as I didn't want to get too close.

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They Ain't Bears

It's very common around here to have scorpions in your house and I don't mean one or two scorpions. No big deal. They aren't going to drag you away and eat you.

Scorpion stings and black widow bites are going to be uncomfortable but it's not very likely you will die from it.

A lot of folks around here shoot rattlers but that seems to be a waste of expensive ammo and waste of a good rodent eater. Generally, I just pick them up with a stick and walk them over to where they're less likely to be a bother.

When I lived in the northwest, we had to deal with encounters with bears. I took that seriously because they can drag you away and eat you.

Bugs ain't too likely to do that and the most dangerous and unpredictable critter on the planet walks upright, on two legs.
They are carnivores so you will need to get her something live and ready to trap/eat. The per store should know what to give to her. You can always start with some crickets.

I agree with you Eric...

Billy go get 20 small crickets and it'll have food for a while. Just don't feed it all the crickets at once ;)
I've had several B/W spiders, scorpions, roaches etc. for a while but trust me her jar is going to smell soooooo bad after a few weeks.

The best battle was when we dropped a Potato Bug in with her...epic 4 hour battle which she won.

Have fun!
Thanks Steve. I didn't know either. I am assuming that it arrived in one of our shipments then crawled out overnight. She's going today anyhow as the pet shop is very interested in having her so I'm bringing her right after work.
This is quite amusing to me as here in SoCal you can find one in any dark hole you look in.

I'm glad you have them all and not us! I can live without Black Widows crawling around everywhere. I did however bring her to the shop after work and the manager already had a 5 gallon tararium set up and ready to go with a couple of small crickets for her to stalk and eat. He was happy as a pig in slop to get his hands on one.
Did he buy it off you to resell her? Or is she just for display at his store?

No, I didn't ask for any money and he didn't offer. I am assuming that it is not for sale and just for display. I didn't expect much from anyone in this store. They are a bunch of young immature drop-outs that have no idea what customer service is. I don't even shop here anymore after having dealt with them before, but they were offering to take it from me whereas no one else was so I brought it there.
Oh definitely. They had a huge supply of crickets and meal worms so she should be happy in her new home. It was pretty exciting getting to actually see one in person, at least for this "city slicker"!