Changing your own tires... Tool discussion

if you can get tires installed for $20 ... you'd be crazy to do it yourself... providing that they do a good job, don't leave any mounting fluid / water inside of the tire, replace the valve stems, don't scratch the wheel, perform a good balance, check swingarm bearings, and check the wheel bearings, brakes, brake pins, rotor condition, lube and adjust the chain, etc.... if they don't do all of the above... well.... you may as well do it yourself....

as far as I'm concerned, that's all part of changing a tire.... things need to be checked, and you need to keep an eye on your maintenance... just so happens that tire change time is the best time to do all of that....

They do. Just bring your wheels in and...Shazam! They're done that day. Can of corn.

Actually I don't pay anything for tires, wheels, mounting, balancing, etc. With the Buell they threw in a five year warranty including tires and wheels. I'm in Corsa IIIs for the next four years for that bike. I seem to pick up a nail every 9 months or so, shame...