Zero Gravity Windscreen Questions

After riding my friends Tuono (what a cool bike) I noticed how nice his bubble screen helped with the wind noise.
I am looking for feed back and pics about the ZG Double Bubble or other windscreens you may have to help quiet the wind and buffeting issues.
PS- not looking to replace my Shoei
When I bought my bike it had some big touring screen on it and the buffeting was unbearable (well at least to me). I didn't get the stock screen with it so I can't compare it, but now I have the ZG DB and it was a definite improvement over the touring screen I had before. I think more than anything it's going to depend on your height. Pick the wrong screen and it might direct the buffeting at your neck or face...not good. I think for myself I might be better off with a screen that is angled back more like the Copperdog or Magical Racing. Unfortunately both are kind of pricey so I'll have to wait for now. Attached are a couple of pics of what the ZG DB looks like on the bike.


Thanks for the info & pics. I am looking for cleaner air and concerned the DB may be too tall as I'm 5' 7" on a good day. Perhaps someone here has the shorty ZG DB which may be better for me, hum....
Thanks for the info & pics. I am looking for cleaner air and concerned the DB may be too tall as I'm 5' 7" on a good day. Perhaps someone here has the shorty ZG DB which may be better for me, hum....

I know quite a few guys were waiting on the shorty one as it was on back order for a while. It does look good. PM member troyw as he has the shorty one on his bike and I know he's not too tall ;)
I have the same screen as NJFZ1, but clear instead of dark smoke (there's a light smoke too and also other colors). I like it more than the stock screen, it takes away more wind and it's less turbulent flow than stock, it works at all speeds.
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I'm really starting to like the looks of standard height DB. I'm getting tired of the turbulance from the stock screen, especially when I have a passenger- it seems like I get this strange oscillating effect that throws my head side to side that I end up having to fight at times.
I have the short DB on mine and love it. For hot weather riding it puts the wind right about the middle of my chest and the airflow is smooth. I'm only 5'10".
If any one is interested, i just bought a zero gravity DB screen (dark smoke) 2 gen . I think I may need one a few inches taller since I do a lot of freeway riding. I only rode a few miles with it. I am willing to sell it for a fair price since it is brand new. Thanks
One thing about the ZG double bubble screen, when you mount it on the bike the edge of the top fairing makes contact on the screen, along the edge towards the center from the mounting screws. When the screen sits for a while it rubs against the fairing and leaves a mark on both the screen and the fairing. Solution: Put washers between the wellnuts and the screen, I used 3mm plastic washers, I think 2mm should be enough.
If any one is interested, i just bought a zero gravity DB screen (dark smoke) 2 gen . I think I may need one a few inches taller since I do a lot of freeway riding. I only rode a few miles with it. I am willing to sell it for a fair price since it is brand new. Thanks

Hey Bullish, quick question for you. I too am looking to purchase this same exact screen but do a fair amount of freeway riding, I have the stock windscreen which sucks. I was wondering how tall you are so that I can somewhat compare...I'm 6' and I really would hate to purchase the wrong one. Thanks...