Workshop Manual

Napa..I've been searching for a genuine shop manual for my 07 as well, all I ever find is Clymers and such, so if you find a good resource let me know will ya? I'll let you know if I come accross one for you as well!!
My only suggestion is to not discuss giving away free any copyrighted material on this site. Definitely share links to vendors that sell them though.
I love it when we can get a point across here and be able to laugh about it. Thats why I love this forum and the people we seem to attract. Laughter cures everything!....almost everything.: oops:
Just as an FYI....

I have just spoken to Yamaha Motor UK and they state that the service manual for an FZ1-N 2010 is not officially available for distribution to the general public so you can't buy a pukka copy :-(
posting of material that has not been licensed or recognized by the manufacturer as a legitimate source of information (i.e. -- directed specifically from their site) will be removed.

This is the second time and it needs to be the last....
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