Winter in AZ

Ive been in Lake Havasu, AZ for a almost a week now. My wife insisted I bring the GoldWing instead of the FZ1 so I crumbled under the spousal pressure. Yesterday she even went for a little ride down to Parker on 95. A wing is defintely better than nothing but I sure wish I had my FZ1. Where I'm at, the roads are narrow and windy, perfect for the FZ1 and a handful for the Wing. If anyone wants to get a very personal feeling for how good a bike the FZ1 is, just get a bike that was "top of the line" a few years ago and take it for a nice long ride then switch back to the FZ1. It's amazing. I'm fortunate that I can do this at will, but the Wing (which is in naked form) just doesn't do the same thing for me. It is going to go up for sale I'm afraid. I would rather have a little 250 or 350 that was more nimble. It's almost worse to have one you can't ride than not to have one at al. I know, Poor me, but this is really bugging the daylights out of me right now.
I can imagine what's happening. You caved to the wife, and every second on the wing you're pissed because the wing places you into the 'waste of time' frame of mind.

Exact same thing happens when I visit a friend with a bike, weather's great, hit some twists, but not dialed into his bike. After awhile can't stop thinking that I need MY bike.

On the other hand, I hate to carve in an area I know nothing about. This or that, ya know.