Windows 7 Tech Question

I just signed on to Partshark and wanted to contact them through e-mail. When I hit "Contact Us", this message pops up. How do I set up my default mail client in Windows 7? Any help as always will greatly be appreciated! Thanks.

No good. I don't use "Outlook". I have a Hotmail address but I'd rather use my AOL email account for sending mail this way when they reply, I don't have to keep checking both Hotmail and AOL.

Also, the Microsoft link you supplied only pertains to XP, Millenium, and 98. Windows 7 doesn't show "File Types" when you go to "folder Options". There must be a way to assign my AOL account to automatically open when I click one of these "contact us" links.

Thanks for trying bud. I appreciate it.
If you have Google mail, there is a utility to download that makes gmail the default mailto.

What browser are you using Billy and what email provider do you have? We can help!
If you have Google mail, there is a utility to download that makes gmail the default mailto.

What browser are you using Billy and what email provider do you have? We can help!

I'm using IE8, and use Bing as my default search. My email provider is AOL. I have hotmail but do not want to use that for sending stuff. I've had AOL for more than 20 years and everyone and their mother knows my AOL address. Anytime I purchase something whether it be Ebay, Internet store, etc., my AOL email address is associated with the account. Thats why I don't want to change. I want to be able to click these links, have AOL open, write what I have to write, and hit send. I hope I'm not asking for too much???:nerd:
Been looking and know how to do yahoo and gmail but nothing yet for AOL.... If I find something, I'll let you know. For now, you'll have to highlight the email address then copy and paste it into your aol mail.... :(
Been looking and know how to do yahoo and gmail but nothing yet for AOL.... If I find something, I'll let you know. For now, you'll have to highlight the email address then copy and paste it into your aol mail.... :(

I know. This sucks. I just read that actually Windows 7 uses "Windows Live" as the mail default and like you said, Gmail and Yahoo provide programs to make them a default. I too am looking for a way to use my AOL. I'm going to sign on and email them to see what they say. Thanks Eric.
I know. This sucks. I just read that actually Windows 7 uses "Windows Live" as the mail default and like you said, Gmail and Yahoo provide programs to make them a default. I too am looking for a way to use my AOL. I'm going to sign on and email them to see what they say. Thanks Eric.

Yea, I don't know of a way to make to make AOL mail work the way that you want it to. Even when I use Firefox by default it has a way to make Yahoo or GMail your default mailto client, but that's about it :(
Based on what you posted above you can configure Windows Live to connect to your AOL account by using POP3 or IMAP. Then set Windows Live as your default Mail Client in IE 8 (if it's not already the default).
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ok....I just setup from hotmail my gmail account and my wife's AOL account through Hotmail. Sent a message from hotmail using my AOL to my GMAIL and all is good.

The only thing I cannot do is verify the links being directed to IE because I have OUTLOOK on this machine....more to come...

if you have not figured out how to do so....I can "snip" and take ya through it....

Thanks everyone! I installed Outlook in my computer just now. Once I opened the program it asked me to set up an email account. I went back to the snip-it I posted above and entered it just like they said to do. I tested the connection and passed. Then I just went to Partshark and hit the "contact us" link and BINGO!, Outlook opened up but has my AOL account logged in. It works perfectly! Thanks again.
Thanks everyone! I installed Outlook in my computer just now. Once I opened the program it asked me to set up an email account. I went back to the snip-it I posted above and entered it just like they said to do. I tested the connection and passed. Then I just went to Partshark and hit the "contact us" link and BINGO!, Outlook opened up but has my AOL account logged in. It works perfectly! Thanks again.

Good job my man!
Thanks Brad, it took me a while but with some help from the IT guys here, it all was figured out. It seems that when you do searches for stuff like this on Windows 7, the returns are very vague. I read up on some Vista links and figured it may work the same on 7.
Nice work! Now, if I'd known you had Outlook handy..... ;) I already knew that answer but didn't know you had that option. Glad you found it!!
Nice work! Now, if I'd known you had Outlook handy..... ;) I already knew that answer but didn't know you had that option. Glad you found it!!

Yea, that's why I also didn't offer him that route. For those that don't have Outlook the Windows Live will do the same thing. I guess that replaced the old free Outlook Express.
The reason I didn't want Outlook was because in the past I assumed that it was only tied in to my Hotmail address. I never knew you could set up other providers within Outlook. Was that the case prior to 7, Vista, and XP? I probably had this feature all along and never used it. Oh well, live and learn I always say!
The reason I didn't want Outlook was because in the past I assumed that it was only tied in to my Hotmail address. I never knew you could set up other providers within Outlook. Was that the case prior to 7, Vista, and XP? I probably had this feature all along and never used it. Oh well, live and learn I always say!

Yes, it's always been the case. Outlook and Outlook Express have always been able to be used as POP3 clients for as long as I can remember (going back to Win 95).
kinda true???....did OLE lose its ability to fetch mail from hotmail when they changed b/c MS wanted to charge people (as if they do not get enough already)???