Why Do You Need a PCIII ?

Two Wheels

Well-Known Member
Why would you need a PCIII when you "slip on" an aftermarket exhaust and simply place a K&N air filter in ? Seriously, hear on the FZ you dont need it but per forum you do. Dealers say nah ... dont do it?

any ideas? Has anyone kept stock fueling with slip on + K&N air filter or airbox adjustment ?
this is an easy one.

You don't Need a Power Commander if you put on a pipe and K&N.
It's that simple. You don't.

Unless you actually want to benefit from the potential HP gains provided from the new intake and exhaust.

If you're changing the intake flow, and the exhaust flow, then in order to get any benefit from that, the FI mapping must be changed. If a dealer is telling you that you don't need one, that's because they don't know what they're doing.

In all actuality, a bone stock bike can benefit from a Power Commander... as they roll out of the factory, the bikes are set for 1 thing. That's passing emissions. In stock form, you can play with the fueling via a Power Commander and make the bike run much better.

So... short answer... you don't have to. If all you want is for the bike to sound different.... and for the exhaust to look different. It won't "hurt" the bike.
Not sure about in the US but on the European version if you run an aftermarket slip on and a K&N air filter the bike will run very lean. you can fit one or the other and the manufacturers will say the stock set up can take it but fit both and you should really (if you're keeping the bike for the long term) be fitting a PCIII. but as with these and other posts you'll always find other views. As VA_rider says you will really only get the benefit from the mods if you do fot a PCIII optimize the fueling etc. so i'd suggest you either just fit the slip on and not worry about anything else (my option on last three bikes) or fit both the slip on and the K&N and also go for the PCIII and realize more benefit or its just wasted $'s on the airfilter (imho)