Which type alarm you have put?

I have a Gorilla Alarm... it's pretty good... has a "tilt sensor" .. basically, if you try to pick the bike up off of the side-stand, the alarm goes off.. or... if you touch the bike... the alarm goes off.. it's adjustable sensitivity... and pretty cheap... about $89
Can't stop a determined thief, but you can shock 'em!

disc lock/alarm + Smith &Wesson ;)

85 pound pitbull, and the nosiest neighbors in the F@cking world, you can't fart in my little berg without one of these clowns telling what you had for dinner last night! And of course all the standard American dirty Harry shit, but around these parts it's never stranger danger who breaks in your garage, it's always some little shit who grew up nearby and knows just about exactly what you got parked and and when you're not home. When I leave town everything gets chained with a logging chain into the very back back of a 48 foot deep garage and then locked and chained to a bolt in the floor. I just have to hope the little dicks can't use a torch! If I could run about 100 amps of current thru it all I would, but I'd probably grab onto something by accident and fry myself!:innocent:
I have a Gorilla Alarm... it's pretty good... has a \\"tilt sensor\\" .. basically, if you try to pick the bike up off of the side-stand, the alarm goes off.. or... if you touch the bike... the alarm goes off.. it's adjustable sensitivity... and pretty cheap... about $89

Is it just noise, or does it also disable the starter? (guess I need to pay attention to when the original post occurred)

Is it just noise, or does it also disable the starter? (guess I need to pay attention to when the original post occurred)


It's just noise... at this point, I've taken it off now... I never really used it more than a few times... I imagine that if you parked somewhere that you were somewhat near the bike... it would work better... but, I would park in the parking garage and go to class all over campus... sometimes, when I'd come back to the bike, the alarm would have been tripped at some point (It beeps 2 times when you shut it off normally, 4 times if the alarm was activated) ... now... I never would've known that the alarm went of otherwise... there was nothing ever wrong with the bike... but, I wasn't close enough to hear the alarm anyhow... if I had it to do over again, I would get the next step up Gorilla alarm with the little keychain thingie that shows you bike status.