which mods for $800

Lets say you have a minty stock 2008 FZ1 and $800 or so to spend on it. What would be the performance parts you buy?

Here were my thoughts

mivv slip on
ivan's fce
power commander 3 or 5
Lets say you have a minty stock 2008 FZ1 and $800 or so to spend on it. What would be the performance parts you buy?

Here were my thoughts

mivv slip on
ivan's fce
power commander 3 or 5

Buy good gear first and then worry about improvements. Ride it for a while to get a feel for what it needs.:stunta]:
I'm wanting more bottom end out of it. I was far from impressed with it in stock form. I don't ride enough twisties for a rear shock unless it is just that awesome that I need that over more power.
Depending on your size and if you plan to go to the track, an upgraded shock like the Penske is far from a must have. They're great shocks but the "stock shock sucks" mindset is a bit overblown. If you weigh like 230, maybe give it a second thought.
I'm wanting more bottom end out of it. I was far from impressed with it in stock form. I don't ride enough twisties for a rear shock unless it is just that awesome that I need that over more power.

You won't be able to get much more bottom end out of it, these 5 valve motors make most of their power above 7000 rpm.

You will be able to improve the midrange a fair bit though with a slip-on, gut cat or better still some after-market headers, airbox mods, PCV etc
16t front sprocket 30,airbox mod free,BMC filter 60-70,cat gut free,disconnect exup cables free,supension tunes to you weight and riding style 30-40,good tires not the stockers 300 use the rest for some nice gear or some braided brake lines or a slip on
I would vote good gear first as well, aside from that I have a yoshimura trc slip on that i couldn't be happier with, even after that you would have enough for a fender eliminator and turn sugnals
I'm wanting more bottom end out of it. I was far from impressed with it in stock form. I don't ride enough twisties for a rear shock unless it is just that awesome that I need that over more power.

The Lars airbox mod and some quality velocity stacks with the others you mentioned. My 06's bottom end and midrange were vastly improved.
Lets say you have a minty stock 2008 FZ1 and $800 or so to spend on it. What would be the performance parts you buy?

Here were my thoughts

mivv slip on
ivan's fce
power commander 3 or 5


Your list looks pretty good but I suggest
1) add the airbox mod (FREE)
2) Blind Spots fuel line mod (not always needed but for about $15, it's cheap insurance to be sure that you're not starving fuel for your other performance mods)
3) you might consider a Delkevic slip-on ($200 or so) so you can afford
4) a 16 tooth sprocket and
5) a speedo healer or speedo DRD to correct the speedo.

I have a Delkevic 14" and like it. I recently bought a mivv carbon gp and I like it too, but if $$ is limited, the Delkevic is good quality and just fine IMHO.

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