which is richer 4 or 5 turns out on mixture screws?

Also what is the throttle position sensor adjustment actually changing on these bikes? Cant see how it would change fuel at all. So spark advance?

I had adjusted the tps back when I put Ivans kit in. I was reading too high so I adjusted it down to read 5k. I have this slight burble off idle, so I reset the tps as per
Ivan's "alternate" adjustment method on Pat's FZ1 site. I went from 3800 to 4300 just like he did, it helped quite a bit but I was curious what it actually changed is all.
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On our bikes 5-out is richer than 4-out.

If the low speed adjustment screw is between the throttle plate and the motor it is adjusting the fuel.

If the low speed adjustment screw is before the throttle plate it is adjusting the air.
TPS adjusts how much throttle is needed to access the timing map.

Adjusting it with my method is the best when using one of my kits

This bike has a TPS dependent timing map and it may also have gear position dependent timing as well.... maybe one of these days I'll hack one of these Gen1 CDI boxes just to see what's up inside.
