What past features do you wish you had?


Well-Known Member
What features that you have had on previous bikes that you wish you had on your FZ1?

For me it would be a drain plug at the bottom of the forks like I had on an old 1983 Honda VT500. It doesn't make sense that you should have to take your front end apart to change fork oil. Drain plugs would be simple, cheap, and really convenient.
I can honestly say I don't think there is anything on my previous bikes that I don't have on this...

The saddlebags on the VTX were nice, but otherwise that bike was a slow tank.
A comfortable seat would be on the top of my list. My 95 GSXR had a great seat for all day trips. Still looking for a good seat for my gen 2.
Larger fuel tank! I think they can squeeze over 6 gallons on the bike somewhere.

Given the CD Strike seat cowl, a helmet lock would be nice but those are very cheap to buy and install.

Self-cancelling signals would be a nice feature. And, BMW heats their grips, why can't Yamaha do the same for us?
. And, BMW heats their grips, why can't Yamaha do the same for us?

Because most FZ potential buyers will complain of the increase in cost won't be worth the added comfort.

For my nothing besides helmet lock on my previous bike I would love. That said, Fuel Guage and Hazards were a welcomed addition to my FZ.