What does your better half do well in the kitchen

Thought we could all get an eye full of some good cooking. So post up their good cooking for us all to salivate over :)

So here goes, the lovely wife is particularly good at deserts.
Heres her Cream Horns in the making
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The finished product along with a pavlova and a friends Lemon Merang pie
View attachment 2671
Just in case you were wondering:
The Cream Horns are pastry with strawberry jam on the inside filled with fresh cream
The Pavlova is a plain merang with fresh cream and fruit salad on top
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You are cruel. All I had for lunch was a Slimfast and a light yogurt. Now I am just eating my saliva. The only thing my wife is good at in the kitchen is cleaning. She does, however, make a mean hot dog and mack & cheese.
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My wife is a pretty decent cook. One funny thing about her is that she drinks enough hot chocolate that if she cuts her finger, its not blood that comes out, its hot chocolate. When I was a kid I worked at a steak restaurant, eventually I was a cook there. Working in a restaurant forever changes the perception of "magic" in the kitchen at when you go out to eat.
You are cruel. All I had for lunch was a Slimfast and a light yogurt. Now I am just eating my saliva. The only thing my wife is good at in the kitchen is cleaning. She does, however, make a mean hot dog and mack & cheese.

Sorry Brad, if it's any consolation I want a hot dog now that you've mentioned it...
I am the cook here too. All the males on my side of the family are the cooks going back for several generations. I also am the baker.

I have to say though, I'm with Brad... eating saliva now after a scant meal of rice and broiled salmon. Mmmmmmmmm creme horns! :D Nom nom nom!
I am the cook here too. All the males on my side of the family are the cooks going back for several generations. I also am the baker.

I have to say though, I'm with Brad... eating saliva now after a scant meal of rice and broiled salmon. Mmmmmmmmm creme horns! :D Nom nom nom!

You trying to loose some weight too? I am going on over 6 lbs in the past 2 weeks now.

I am the cook here too. I will try to find a photo of my crème brulée. I tell you what... That stuff is super simple to make and talk about some brownie points with the mrs.!

P.S. The torch I use when making crème brulée to crystallize and caramelize the sugar is the same torch I used to loosen the thread locker on the screws holding the sub throttle plates. .... just figured I might tie it in to my FZ1 somehow! :)
My wife's pretty good with microwaveable meals. Other than that it's "buyer beware." If my son won't take the first bite I usually slip a bite to my Golden Retriever, Gehrig. If he's still standing in a couple of minutes I'll try my luck. Just in case, I keep Immodium and three different kinds of antibiotics handy and if that fails I have a standing order at the local hospital for 3 liters of Lactated Ringers Solution to be given intravenously immediately upon arrival.
My wife's pretty good with microwaveable meals. Other than that it's "buyer beware." If my son won't take the first bite I usually slip a bite to my Golden Retriever, Gehrig. If he's still standing in a couple of minutes I'll try my luck. Just in case, I keep Immodium and three different kinds of antibiotics handy and if that fails I have a standing order at the local hospital for 3 liters of Lactated Ringers Solution to be given intravenously immediately upon arrival.

So she can really cook then Norm! Jamie Oliver look out!!! :D
.....P.S. The torch I use when making crème brulée to crystallize and caramelize the sugar is the same torch I used to loosen the thread locker on the screws holding the sub throttle plates. .... just figured I might tie it in to my FZ1 somehow! :)

next we will be seeing thread about how the rear stand elevates your height to reach the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet and is a MUST purchase for every FZ owner's kitchen....:)

if it swims, and she gets her hands on it, it is FANTASTIC!

my oldest (4) son seems to agree when he goes into grab the fixings at breakfest time and asks her to make it NOW!
I'm the cook around our house. My wife is the baker. I don't have the meticulous measuring patience required for baking. I cook more by smell and taste than anything. I cook more italian inspired dishes than anything else. My wife and I are pasta fiends. We could both eat pasta at every meal and be completely happy. I also do quite a bit of mix up recipes. Things like bbq pork wontons and spicy chicken enchilada parmesan frequently come out of my kitchen. The wife can make some MEAN brownies. She made some cheesecake brownies for me for valentines day that were OUT OF THIS WORLD!
I'm the cook around our house. My wife is the baker. I don't have the meticulous measuring patience required for baking. I cook more by smell and taste than anything. I cook more italian inspired dishes than anything else. My wife and I are pasta fiends. We could both eat pasta at every meal and be completely happy. I also do quite a bit of mix up recipes. Things like bbq pork wontons and spicy chicken enchilada parmesan frequently come out of my kitchen. The wife can make some MEAN brownies. She made some cheesecake brownies for me for valentines day that were OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Dude. Me too. I don't measure... it's not my style... the only thing I "bake" is a Paula Deen Pound Cake... and that thing is awesome.... but exact / precise measurement isn't needed for a pound cake...

I'm a big pasta fiend myself... but unfortunately, I'm a pasta snob... I won't buy pasta... I make all of my own.. I inherited my great-grandmother's hand crank pasta machine that she brought over with her from Sicily...
Dude. Me too. I don't measure... it's not my style... the only thing I "bake" is a Paula Deen Pound Cake... and that thing is awesome.... but exact / precise measurement isn't needed for a pound cake...

I'm a big pasta fiend myself... but unfortunately, I'm a pasta snob... I won't buy pasta... I make all of my own.. I inherited my great-grandmother's hand crank pasta machine that she brought over with her from Sicily...

I hear ya man, unfortunately I'm also extremely impatient. It's a conundrum!
:innocent0002: Allows mi to fix the bike !!:D
