Wanted: FZ1N in Ontario

I am being sort of pro-active here, but the early bird gets the worm, or the unbelievably fast sport-tourer, as the case may be. I will be selling my FZ6R over the winter/spring and looking to replace it with an FZ1 which I will be converting to the fairing-less N model immediately. I am really hoping for a brand new carryover that can be had for a good deal. I would prefer all black, but will likely be painting the bike before I ever throw a leg over it anyway, so that's not the most important thing in the world. I am also open to a used bike if anyone is selling. The tricky part is that I financed my FZ6R, and will have to pay off the loan when I sell. I'm not sure if I will be able to finance a used bike or not. My dealer is willing to broker a convenience trade if I find something, so that could be the answer. I live near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, but I am willing to travel if the deal is right. If, by some miracle, there is a way to work my 2010 Red and White FZ6R in to the deal, that would be even better. If any of you know of a bike I should be looking at, please let me know.
Hey Jacob I'm in wisconsin and have been looking online and finding a bunch of 09 holdovers in wisconsin and minnesota. Cheapest was 7200 up to 8500 depends on what dealership . I think you wouldn't have a problem importing one but exporting yours might be but it might be worth looking into. I found them on craigs list and e-bay buy it now