Thunderhill Halloween Day

After being rained out a few weeks ago today was our make up track day. It was a perfect day with temps in the mid 70's a slight breeze and the smell of race gas. :yes:


A real nice turn out of bikes so I took a stroll to check out the hardware but some colors were a bit much before 9am.


I did like this real nice Tuono with the tire warmers.


Very clean Duc


Now on to the good looking bikes. Jboat and I rode together in the afternoon. He has R1 forks and a nice Penske along with other tasty bits so it was more like he let me tag along (nice corner speed Jason) but we did use his go pro to get some track footage. Here's the man putting his camera on my bike.


His is on the left- sharp bike!


Rice harvest is in full swing on the way home. I grew up working on the farm and some days I wish I could just run a tractor.

I had a great time out there today. You really know how to ride that FZ1. I had a hard time keeping up with you a few times. I just watched the video from when the camera was on your bike and it came out great! Then the battery died!

I have a lot of uploading and editing to do. I hope to get it done tomorrow...

For now here's a few pics...




Yea, that video should be great based on the position of the camera ;)

Unfortunately I had too low of an angle on the helmet mount session. It was pointed too far down and only shows the ground a few feet in front of the bike. I didn't like it there anyways because I could feel the excessive drag it created...

All the other sessions were filmed with the camera on the tank...

These vids are like 2 gigs each so this may take a while...
Unfortunately I had too low of an angle on the helmet mount session. It was pointed too far down and only shows the ground a few feet in front of the bike. I didn't like it there anyways because I could feel the excessive drag it created...

Bummer...I thought it would have been a great angle, but it would have had to capture more than a few feet in front of the bike :(
I'm currently upgrading my computer with Nero 11 Video software so I can make these HD videos. When I'm done I'll post them in the FZ1 Videos section and post the links here...

In the meantime here's a creepy spider I saw to go with the Halloween theme. I'm pretty sure it's a wolf spider. That sucker was huge. I put a quarter next to it for a size comparison...
