This is disturbing.

What we cannot see is what happened right after the first rider was hit by the SUV. Obviously the riders surrounded the SUV, but we cannot see if they at that moment began smashing in windows like a bunch of lunatics. I am sure it was scary for the driver and his family to have his car surrounded, but something besides some guys standing around the vehicle would have to prompt me to start running over people. I think the Motorcycles involved should be prosecuted for instigating the entire scene, but the driver of the SUV needs to be held liable for running over people, unless he can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his life was in danger and using his vehicle as an attempted murder weapon was fully justified. This just went from bad to worse. I really hope the guy filming is man enough to give all the high res footage to the police showing exactly who the people are who did the beating of the driver. The driver of the SUV and the guys who beat him up need to be handcuffed together and perform supervised community server cleaning trash on the streets of NYC with signs of shame around their necks.

The original breaking story said that the motorcyclist where banging on the windows, attempting to open doors, threatening gestures and obviously some of them had knives.

These punks have already committed previous acts like this in previous years and luckily did not incur any serious casualties. This year they did. ROC had two motorcycle fatalities this year from that group of morons. Just cause life on Youtube is edited and looks cool doesn't mean in reality it works out the same way.

The article said "The driver felt in fear of his life and fear of the life of his family." This automatically gives someone license to use deadly force. They teach that to us here in AZ when you purchase a gun. If you ever have to shoot a home invader be sure the first thing you tell the police is that you felt in fear of your life and the life of your family. Justifiable cause for deadly force.
One thing, other than shear mass, that a car (or SUV) has going for it is fuel range. It is too bad he didn't just get up on the freeway and go until the bikes ran out of fuel. In town there was no way to avoid an inevitable stop, and confrontation like what went down. I wonder if the driver of the ranger had dialed 911 during the whole thing. My wife would have been on the phone and taking video during the whole episode.

I do not disagree with what you have stated, same with many people I work with that ride as well. We actually had the same discussion on what you stated (what I quoted) and that idea would not have worked with a group of people on bikes. One bike sure, but parts of the group could have stopped for fuel while others still tailed the guy on the freeway, and then caught up after fueling. with the sheer number of riders the guy would have been screwed if trying to run on the freeway, besides contacting police and having them waiting down the freeway for them all to arrive
The original breaking story said that the motorcyclist where banging on the windows, attempting to open doors, threatening gestures and obviously some of them had knives.

These punks have already committed previous acts like this in previous years and luckily did not incur any serious casualties. This year they did. ROC had two motorcycle fatalities this year from that group of morons. Just cause life on Youtube is edited and looks cool doesn't mean in reality it works out the same way.

The article said "The driver felt in fear of his life and fear of the life of his family." This automatically gives someone license to use deadly force. They teach that to us here in AZ when you purchase a gun. If you ever have to shoot a home invader be sure the first thing you tell the police is that you felt in fear of your life and the life of your family. Justifiable cause for deadly force.

I once long ago worked for a retired police officer who was part owner in a restaurant that I was chef at. During that time my oldest daughter was a baby and a burglar tried to break into her room during the night. I had no idea until the next morning when I saw the tracks in the snow under her window at the back of the house. I was so mad that I set a trap for the burglar (I won't go into details but it would have been unpleasant). I was given the same advice by the cop up here as to what to say when the officers arrived.
The original breaking story said that the motorcyclist where banging on the windows, attempting to open doors, threatening gestures and obviously some of them had knives.

These punks have already committed previous acts like this in previous years and luckily did not incur any serious casualties. This year they did. ROC had two motorcycle fatalities this year from that group of morons. Just cause life on Youtube is edited and looks cool doesn't mean in reality it works out the same way.

The article said "The driver felt in fear of his life and fear of the life of his family." This automatically gives someone license to use deadly force. They teach that to us here in AZ when you purchase a gun. If you ever have to shoot a home invader be sure the first thing you tell the police is that you felt in fear of your life and the life of your family. Justifiable cause for deadly force.

After watching the video, if it were me in that situation with my family, I cannot say I would have reacted a whole lot different. I MAY have called the police and waited it out first though, unless they were trying to break the windows at that time... They started it by brake-checking the guy who cannot stop in time and he bumps a biker.

Who wouldn't be intimidated by that many bikers...? What would you do to protect yourself and your family?
Okay, so here is my take on the situation. Living in NY and seeing these holligans on the streets in the neighborhood where I work as well as recently in my own neighborhood, I can tell you now that they for the most part are NOT responsible riders! Half of them have dirt bikes and ATVs with no plates and no helmets. There is a "no chase" policy here in the 5 Boros in response to some idiot kid killing himself while being chased by police in Upper Manhattan. These no-gooders know this and take full advantage of the fact.

Now, I don't know what started this tragedy in the first place, but here in NY, just looking at someone the wrong way can get you in trouble. Here's this driver out with his wife and kid for a ride, and you have way more than 30 of these hooligans, chasing after him, cutting in front and hitting the brakes on a highway. Now, I don't know about other areas, but here in NY, I can garantee that half or more of these idiots had some kind of weapon on them.

Any person in the driver's situation, myself included, would have feared for mine and my family's life. I totally agree with his actions as he did the right thing. He had already called the police, which as we all saw did absolutely nothing!, and he did what he could to get out of there. These guys were looking to do harm, plain and simple! If he was at fault for something earlier, they just as well could have gotten his plate number, called the police, and kept him in sight until police arrived. They chose to box and corner him, and if that was me with my family in the car, I would have ran over anything and anyone in front of me, period!

It seems quite strange to me that the earlier part of the video isn't posted. I saw the video from when they were going through Brooklyn, and all of them were out of control! Splitting lanes, riding on shoulders, cuttting off cars, running red lights, and not one damn cop to be seen. Totally amazing!!!!

As for the kid that is now paralyzed, "live by the sword, die by the sword"!!!
Had he just went his own way, he'd still be walking! He chose to block a scared man and his family that day instead of doing the right thing and so now he will pay. The sad part of the whole ordeal is that these morons will NOT learn anything from this event, and will out on the streets tomorrow doing it all over again!

It's up to YOU to protect yourself and your family from these criminals whom have no respect for the law, their families, nor anything else! They run rampant through the streets like it's their personal playground, breaking laws all the way, but as soon as one of them gets whats coming to them, everyone cries what an "angel" he was, and what a "good boy" he was. BULL!!! And no I don't feel sorry for them.
but here in NY, I can garantee that half or more of these idiots had some kind of weapon on them.

As for the kid that is now paralyzed, "live by the sword, die by the sword"!!!
Had he just went his own way, he'd still be walking! He chose to block a scared man and his family that day instead of doing the right thing and so now he will pay.

It's up to YOU to protect yourself and your family from these criminals whom have no respect for the law, their families, nor anything else! They run rampant through the streets like it's their personal playground, breaking laws all the way, but as soon as one of them gets whats coming to them, everyone cries what an "angel" he was, and what a "good boy" he was. BULL!!! And no I don't feel sorry for them.

1. In AZ this stuff will never happen because the honest law abiding citizens carry weapons, not just the criminals and the criminals know it. I knew a guy that was mid-level mexican mafia flat out say that they don't start trouble with random people here because they know people are armed. (Instead they stalk people for weeks-months before they make a move).

2. F#ck Jay Mezee, totally agreed "live by the sword, die by the sword" The problem is he won't actually pay for it. The state of NY and subsequently you will pay for the $100,000 a day that this guy is sucking out of the system to be kept alive.

3. In one article written that was on the side of the Jay Mezee family said that he was just trying to help the injured motorcyclist. Well the injured motorcyclist is the guy that instigated the whole thing by trying to block the SUV and got knocked off his bike. If you associate with criminals then you get what is coming to you. I'm sorry, being a good guy in a bad bunch doesn't make you a hero, it makes you an accomplice.

I don't know why, but this video has had me fired up for 2 days now. I have a child of my own, I have family I would give my life for defending. I am a motorcyclist and like to have a good time with fellow motorcyclist. However, I would never, participate in something as crazy as what these criminals are doing.
Any person in the driver's situation, myself included, would have feared for mine and my family's life. I totally agree with his actions as he did the right thing. He had already called the police, which as we all saw did absolutely nothing!, and he did what he could to get out of there. These guys were looking to do harm, plain and simple! If he was at fault for something earlier, they just as well could have gotten his plate number, called the police, and kept him in sight until police arrived. They chose to box and corner him, and if that was me with my family in the car, I would have ran over anything and anyone in front of me, period!

It seems quite strange to me that the earlier part of the video isn't posted. I saw the video from when they were going through Brooklyn, and all of them were out of control! Splitting lanes, riding on shoulders, cuttting off cars, running red lights, and not one damn cop to be seen. Totally amazing!!!!

As for the kid that is now paralyzed, "live by the sword, die by the sword"!!!
Had he just went his own way, he'd still be walking! He chose to block a scared man and his family that day instead of doing the right thing and so now he will pay. The sad part of the whole ordeal is that these morons will NOT learn anything from this event, and will out on the streets tomorrow doing it all over again!

It's up to YOU to protect yourself and your family from these criminals whom have no respect for the law, their families, nor anything else! They run rampant through the streets like it's their personal playground, breaking laws all the way, but as soon as one of them gets whats coming to them, everyone cries what an "angel" he was, and what a "good boy" he was. BULL!!! And no I don't feel sorry for them.

Couldn't have said it better.
Here is where the gangs story doesnt hold water. How many go pros do you think were running, I bet a lot. Not one of those caught the supposed first hit and run? My Ass.....
Here is where the gangs story doesnt hold water. How many go pros do you think were running, I bet a lot. Not one of those caught the supposed first hit and run? My Ass.....

Exactly, that would have been the first video to go up. Everybody watches motorcycle crashes on Youtube. The two videos posted about my crashes have the most hits on my Youtube channel.
The same youtube user Michelinman900 on Youtube has another video up where a group ride a year ago, they surround a Prius and a guy smashes off the side view mirror. It happens at 1:00 in to the clip

FILE0011 - YouTube

Funny how the same youtube user was present at both incidents......makes me wonder if he/she is part of this group who deliberately carry out these attacks.
Here is where the gangs story doesnt hold water. How many go pros do you think were running, I bet a lot. Not one of those caught the supposed first hit and run? My Ass.....

Funny how the same youtube user was present at both incidents......makes me wonder if he/she is part of this group who deliberately carry out these attacks.

This was my exact sentiments when I tried yesterday to find out what started the whole thing. If the driver had been at fault, they would have had that video up a long time ago. The rider that recorded had that camera on all through Queens, even left it running at the gas station. So he was able to incriminate 20 or more other people but not the SUV driver in question.

I know these idiots aren't the brightest of the bunch, but I know after all the videos that guy posted, incriminating many of them, that he doesn't think they have a leg to stand on. I hope to God they all have their licenses revoked for life! We don't need these knuckleheads on our roads!
I am not defending anyone here, but what ever gave Cruz the "bright idea" to brake check the SUV was not actually caught on film. The footage starts as the group is approaching the SUV after something happens between the two.

I don't think Cruz(the name of rider) Brake Checking the SUV was a good idea, but in his head it was retaliation for something. I highly doubt that this group of riders set out to find a random SUV, stop it and then beat up the occupants. Of Course I could be wrong.

so much wrong happening here.
I don't think Cruz(the name of rider) Brake Checking the SUV was a good idea, but in his head it was retaliation for something. I highly doubt that this group of riders set out to find a random SUV, stop it and then beat up the occupants. Of Course I could be wrong.

so much wrong happening here.

So Much wrong yes, the rest, im not sure.

I would think that the video would show the reason for the retaliation of the brake check, which it does not. Hell it takes them some time for the front of the group to catch up to the suv in the first place. You see the guy who brake checks eyeball the driver while slowly passing, then cut him off and then still eyes him while brake checking.

My assumption is that the reason for the stopping and beating is because the guy doing the brake checking was bumped. its my assumption the brake check was because the guy was either being a dick and/or showing off.
Brake checking somebody is about as aggressive and malicious as it comes. There is nothing but bad intent from that action and no outcome other than a negative one.

Toxic behaviour always results in toxic outcomes. This is a shining example
Both parties are at fault. The bikers set out to be malicious by shutting down the highway to stunt. The SUV driver didn't want to be stopped in traffic so he put himself in the middle of them. He rear ended a bike, he then drove over more bikes and riders "monster truck" style and fled the scene of a crime. The riders had no weapons, only helmets. The driver had a 4,000 pound weapon. Driver got two black eyes, multiple riders got fractures and one is now a paraplegic.
I think the rider payed the ultimate price.

Please be extra carful in the following weeks. This has a lot of people against bikers right now. No matter who's fault it is the public wont be on your side for awhile. I had this exchange walking into work today (in full gear)
Guy at work: "Your not one of those bikers from NYC are ya?"
Me: 1. That would be one hell of a commute!
2. Those people don't represent all sport bike riders anymore than the Hells Angles represent all Harley Riders.

A big thanks to the media for putting an "open season" on all bikers.
1.5 million PEACEFUL MC riders in DC = no media coverage
200 vengeful MC Gang members in NY = More attention than the gov shitdown.
Please be extra carful in the following weeks. This has a lot of people against bikers right now. No matter who's fault it is the public wont be on your side for awhile. I had this exchange walking into work today (in full gear)
Guy at work: "Your not one of those bikers from NYC are ya?"
Me: 1. That would be one hell of a commute!
2. Those people don't represent all sport bike riders anymore than the Hells Angles represent all Harley Riders.

A big thanks to the media for putting an "open season" on all bikers.
1.5 million PEACEFUL MC riders in DC = no media coverage
200 vengeful MC Gang members in NY = More attention than the gov shitdown.

I had not thought about that. Good point, be extra careful out there. run from any idiots who want a confrontation while you are on your bike.
The SUV driver didn't want to be stopped in traffic so he put himself in the middle of them. He rear ended a bike, he then drove over more bikes and riders "monster truck" style and fled the scene of a crime. The riders had no weapons, only helmets. The driver had a 4,000 pound weapon. Driver got two black eyes, multiple riders got fractures and one is now a paraplegic.

Thats what you took from this? A man in an upperclass vehicle with a 5 month old and his wife found it necessary to put him and his family in the midst of adrenaline junkied bikers who were covering the road on untagged and un licensed bikes with no licens themselves to rear end a bike to prove a point. Please these bikers were terrorizing to say the least.
Yes I do agree it gave a big black eye to bikers but the truth is this is the exact nature as to which these guys ride.
They set out with an image of unlawfulness and uphold the image of thug bikers.

The only thing the drive did wrong was he didnt back up once cornered in town. Or be armed with a legal gun.

I am a biker and I know they wouldnt see that if i was in my truck holding my line down a road chosing not to be intimidated.
They would act stupid to anyone who stood there ground on the road that most lawfully use daily.