Silver GenI On Route 301 Today In Putnam??

I head out super early this morning to go and try out another new Route up in Putnam County. It's Route 42 which comes off of Route 52 up in Lake Carmel. It eventually leads into Route 301 which brings me West back to Route 9 in Cold Spring. Well, first off, Route 42 is awesome. Nice and smooth with a combination of loose twisties and some nice sweeping turns. It's posted for 35 to 40 in most places but I pretty much held it at 50mph the whole stretch into 301. I stopped to take some pictures at Canopus Lake and to stretch my legs. As I headed out west along 301 I noticed a rider on the eastbound side parked roadside. I hadn't seen another bike the entire stretch so I looked over and it was a silver GenI. We both waved to each other so I knew he wasn't stuck and I kept on rolling. Imagine not seeing anyone else out today and when I do it's a fellow GenI owner. I'm not one to stop make conversation as I hate to bother people, but if that was anyone here on the board, feel free to post up. Here are some snapshots from today......

Canopus Lake On Route 301

Here's me messing with my Canon SD1100is




Check Out What I Found Just Outside Cold Spring....

Check Out The Street Sign!.....

Anyone Need A Cheap Boat! $200 Bucks!!!