Shark Night 3D

The movie shark night 3d.

i wanna meet the people that said "hey, this is a good idea!" and stab them. you know how you don't get eaten by a shark? you don't go in the water. that's how. just like that god damn piranha 3d movie. i blame samuel jackson and his plane full of snakes! :rant::banghead:
had to get that off my chest. that is all.
LOL! I saw the preview for that the other day when I went to the movies and though "What a freaking dumb movie!". I wont be spending my money on it...
LOL! I saw the preview for that the other day when I went to the movies and though "What a freaking dumb movie!". I wont be spending my money on it...

i wonder what the producers are thinking. if they are out to make a quick buck or if they honestly believe a movie like this could be a big hit. i am guessing it's the first way of thinking. but i really don't know how much they will make off of it compared to how much it cost to make. either way it's ridiculous and makes me wanna punch somebody.
I think they were just out to make a buck but you know - it's hard to find an original movie out there these days. Most of them are some type of spin off. Just like you said - this looks like piranha (with sharks)
Horror movies have gone to pot. Now writers will take any idea - sprinkle it with eye candy (beautiful scenery and beautiful people) and put some killing machine in there = horror movie.
I will admit a fear that I don't mention often. Every since I saw the original Jaws movie poster I have had a ....well not fear exactly ........ but an uncomfortable-ness with swimming anywhere that I can't see the bottom. LOL Even in lakes and rivers. LOL Like when you wipe out water skiing and some perch nibble on your toes. I have to take a minute to think about it and relax. I guess that is what the movie writers are playing off. Our basic fears.

true, they definitely do that with the common fears of people. look at arachnophobia. the only differences i see is that those are some good movies and these newer ones are total shit. maybe i just have to realize that i wasn't made for life on this planet.