Posted by Hellgate on the FZ6 Forum... ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw this posted on the "other" FZ1 site and had everyone at work last Friday laughing their butts off. I never saw SouthPark before but that episode was awesome! Thanks for posting it here Eric!
Glad I could be of assistance. :p

My wife was dying when she saw it. Now she understands why I've never liked the HD thing. She didn't get it before.
That was incredibly funny. Now, I'm one who loves loud pipes, but if it's a "quality" loud. I was a cruiser rider for many years before this past April when I got the new FZ1. I've since put a pipe on it, but compared to some cruisers, it's not loud at all. I also know how to ride pretty well, and have been on two wheels for most of my life, but I still like some sound. The loud pipes have indeed saved my life a time or two as well. When my VTX 1800 was stock, people pulled out in front of me a lot more than when I started running a Roadhouse Shorty with no baffle. Folks would take notice of me, and it saved my bacon a couple times. Now, it wasn't so loud no one could think, and I have never had anyone complain about me personally, and I'm always, ALWAYS considerate of others. I never did rev at stop lights, do burnouts, wind it open at early or late hours, none of that. Now, on the FZ, since it isn't that loud, I just dress a little "louder"...LOL...

Having said that, I totally understand the Southpark viewpoint, and that episode was hilarious.