October 2011 - M.B.O.M. - Winner Bewarethefuzz!

Follow the link to the gallery in the opening post. In the gallery scroll down to the 3rd view of the gallery and you should see vote buttons under each thumbnail image.

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Looks like we have a clear winner this month unless there's a last minute voting surge for one of the other bikes. Not too late to vote ;)
October Winner Announced

We have a landslide victory this month. Congrats to Bewarethefuzz for his October Bike of the Month Victory. This was a really excellent photo!


I will open the November contest in about a week.


Thanx for the votes all.
When I first parked the bike for the shot, the water was a fair bit higher but surprisingly it was falling with the sun. All along the coastline, as well as that whole harborside area has sunk around a metre so the disappearing water was actually the tide.
Wasn't until I took a walk around and came back that I realized the symmetry with the centre line of the road and the ship in the back ground and took the darker aligned pic that won.
Here's an earlier brighter one

A few more pics and such of the area HERE