North Korea by motorcycle

A colleague at work is also a part-time tour guide. He normally guides around Vietnam and Cambodia but last year he also did North Korea and Iran. He really enjoyed both.

Iran (aka Persia) in particular has a lot of beautiful and historically significant sites but hardly anyone visits them these days.

I suspect he won't be getting into the US or Israel anytime soon.
His photos of NK remind me of other WARSAW PACT countries; East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.

I visited what was EG in 1990, very much like your friends NK photos in that it's a trip back in time.

I was in Romania in 2005, very much the same, extremely poor, horse drawn wagons, etc.

A buddy of mine like to go to Cuba, '50's locked in time.
As a guy who was born in South Korea, raised as kiwi in NZ, living in Sydney and a motorcycle enthusiast, this means a lot. Thanks for sharing.