new zg windscreen and flushmount



well, my phone just died so I can't add any pix til it charges buuuuut, I installed my zg double bubble windscreen and flushmount blinkers today. looks sweet w the lite smoke screen and w/o the enormous huge stalks! now its on to the performance side of things!!
ok guys, here we go. sorry it took so long. and please excuse the mess in my garage.
thanks, it really streamlines the look. and the windscreen helps alot. I changed it not only for the looks but the wind would hit me rite in the chin bar and would make me look like a bobble head. w the zg it hits me rite above my visor and slips rite on over. a very nice mod, well worth the 80.00. i just did the air box mod and have a k&n on the way. sounds mean w the growl!