new tire fear

I got a new set of Pilots today... I told the guy I had never ridden on new tires and he sacred me more..
"I have seen a lot of people crashing just turning out of shops parking"
"dont accelerate..dont turn...dont brake"..
I rode home like a 70 year old guy behing a olds mobile...
anyone with similar experience...
I've had dozens of sets of new tyres on various bikes and never had any problems with them.
For the first hundred or so miles you need to ride a little conservatively, not applying full throttle unless upright and you'll be fine. The only waytk scrub tyres in is to get heat into them. Tryin to rough them up with emery cloth and the likes doesn't work!
new tires needs scrubbing in. I take the bike out for a ride to heat them up and than I practice on a free parking space my u-turns, circles of eight etcetera at low speed to get rid of the chickenstrips. At low speed you do not need to risk you will not have grip after they've warmed up.
Dont get scared just dont ride like a muppet for the first 100 miles, ride like its a wet road and you will be fine. You can have a set of tyres rubbed in well under 100 miles but it depends how you ride.

My mate was a gimp and booted it straight from the garage with fresh tyres on......on a wet road........he low sided 2 corners aways from the garage, fool.
Scrub them up in a big parking lot doing clockwise and counterclockwise circles at low speeds, say just above idle. In just a fiew minuates, like 2 or 3 you will see virgin rubber. IT has an unmistakable appearance, then when you see virgin rubber, your good to go, still ride easily for 40-50 miles, done deal.
It seems to rain most of the time when I get new tires. I've scrubbed in twice as many tires in the wet as in the dry. I always use the same method though.

Don't give it a fistful. Just ride sedately and smoothly until you get to where you want to scrub in. I use a very very tight twisty road, as this allows me to get lots of lean angle at low speeds, whilst sitting up on the high side through the turn. It's a little unstable (nothing drastic), and looks dorky, but it means you can push the bike down and nearly scrape pegs, without the lateral force that going fast through the same corner will give you.

I've had a phone call from a mate , just as I was leaving the tire shop. He wanted to go for a hoot. Told him to meet me at the top of my scrub in hill in 15 minutes. When I got there, the tire was scrubbed in to the edge. Takes me 8 minutes to get to my scrub in hill.

It's good that your tire guy reminded you. I go for new tires every 6 weeks on average, and my tire guy has never failed to remind me...."Go easy on that tire/those tires. You don't want to be number 24." (23 being the number of folk that have come off on new tires in his car park in 35+