"New" 07 FZ-1

Just bought 07' FZ-1 off Craigslist. Well kept except for grungy drive train and headers. Any suggestion on bringing chain/sprocket up to showroom condition?Also would appreciate any suggestions on cleaning/polishing headers!
Thanks!! F1faniam.
Just bought 07' FZ-1 off Craigslist. Well kept except for grungy drive train and headers. Any suggestion on bringing chain/sprocket up to showroom condition?Also would appreciate any suggestions on cleaning/polishing headers!
Thanks!! F1faniam.

Come on!!! Where are the required pics!! :stupidPC: :confused0024:

Congrats. As for the headers maybe try mothers metal polish and the chain. If it hasn't been taken care of then this might be a good time to just replace it and inspect the sprockets while you have it off. :cowboy:
Congrats on the new bike! Your gonna love it!

White Kerosene. I got it from lowes, I clean the chain with it using a spray bottle, and wipe it down. It evaporates, so I then let it fully dry and then just some PJ1 Blue label chain lube.

It also cleans the sprockets very well, along with rims. I used it to clean the rear rim of my Gen1 for a while with no ill affects, since after cleaning it I go over it with glass cleaner anyways, but it literally just wipes everything off. Theres a sludge even though its thin, it seems to get worse if you hit it with glass cleaner, so I bust out the kerosene and bam it all just drips away.
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