My most favorite mod. snake skin tank grips

Rex D.

Well-Known Member
Photos of my Tech Spec snake skin tank grips

Per a suggestion on this forum I purchased a Tech Spec USA snake skin for my tank. I can now grip the tank and keep from sliding forward when braking or hitting bumps in the road. That was one of the most irritating things about my gen. II FZ1 was constantly having to hike my crotch away from the tank so many times on every ride. A nice side benefit is I'm not grinding the paint off the tank any more. I was originally just looking for paint protection but this was a huge impovement!lolup
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Huh, thanks for posting I was on the fence about ordering these but being that you're the second person who likes it I think I'll go ahead.
Ok, I'll get some photos posted tonight. I just had low back surgery yesterday afternoon so I'm movin' slower than usual................