My FZ1 under water too.

Well, I rode it home tonight.

First I went to a shop near me and bought a new Scorpion EXO-1100 helmet. It's a little lighter than my old EXO-1000 that got flooded and just as comfortable.

I also bought a pair of Firstgear Kilmanjaro gloves. Really nice gloves! It's 41 degrees here tonght. My hands were toasty warm all the way home.

The shop also does full service repair and I was telling the guy my tale of woe. He said they get a lot of bikes in there that were partially flooded like mine. He said as long as the electronics didn't get wet I should be fine. He also said he knows some of the guys who work at the dealer my bike was at. He said they're good mechanics and know what they're doing. They'd tell me if I needed anything else.

Then my wife drove me to the shop where the bike was at(the dealer I bought it from.) They reitterated what the other guy said about the electronics. They did a 3 time oil flush, drained water from the muffler and oiled the chain and said I'm good to go. They must have done somerthing else too because the bike is easy to roll again.

So after laying out lots of cash for two new vehicles, having two daughters about to enter private high school and upon the advice of two mechanics, I'm taking the money and keeping the bike. I'll let you know if I regret it a year or two from now. Thanks for all the advice.

I have to give a big thumbs-up to Monmouth Cycles in Middletown, NJ. They could have easily had me buy a lot of repairs I didn't need.

Tomorrow I'll do a thorough cleaning. Looks like they oiled the chain but didn't clean it too well.
Glad to hear! I think that's the choice I would have made as well

Looking forward to some more reports from you and some photos
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Good to hear Steve! I'm glad your ride is back from the "deep". I'm actually heading out tomorrow for a little ride with Ray. The next three days are going to be nice and probably the "last harrah" until Spring. Taking the GoPro with me as well. Last vid of the year!
Hi All
I thought I'd attach a few pics.
I rode back to the shop where I bought the helmet today and bought a new battery tender. The bike still seems OK. I started to clean it but I ran out of time to do a thorough job.

I'll post more pictures once I get it all cleaned up. You can see how high the water rose by the line of crud on my car and pool. The one picture shows water leaking out of the pipes/ muffler a couple days afterward.

Billy, how was your ride? It's too bad we didn't get our schedules together this year. If we get lucky with the weather maybe we can still fit a ride in.
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Hey Bud! The ride went awesome. The fog was heavy for most of the morning which made you a "wet ride" but we had a blast. The 023's worked great in the wet conditions, especially after they were warmed up good. Not sure about this season as I'm going to store the bike by this coming weekend. I'll be riding tomorrow and Tuesday, but thats it for me. Next season for sure!! Heck! It will be here before we know it anyways!
Steve, I guess I'm late to this thread and you already made your decision. Here's my opinion should have taken the $6100 from the insurance. With that money you could have picked up a clean '08 or '09 around here, especially now in the off season. I just hope you don't have any issues down the road...
Hi Tony
Good to hear from you. Hope all is well.

Admittedly, I still have a little uneasiness about the decision. We'll see what happens though. Thanks for the input. I hope to get down to some serious cleaning this weekend and a long enough ride to put fresh gas & Startron fuel stabilizer in it.

Looking forward to all of us riding again in 2013.
i would hate to be in your shoes. but parts are just parts, all can be replaced.

happy to hear your family is all safe and sound this is were it counts.
