Mom's first ride


Well-Known Member
At the ripe young age of 76 my sweet little Italian mother took her first ride on a motorcycle today. I think you relented because it was also my 45th birthday. She's been hinting about doing things that she has put off before. Since Dad is now in the late stages of dimentia, she is more open to new experiences. This was a quick 5 minute ride up and down the road by our cottage.(Top speed 20mph, Mom was not scared a bit) But man what a big deal this is. My folks have always disliked the fact that I ride. Mom was a nervous passenger to start, but I've given many people their first rides. She most definately did not want to go fast. As soon as I explained to her that I take the responsibility of letting someone enjoy the first ride in comfort not fear very seriously, she relaxed. BTW last summer I gave two Japanese exchange students their first rides. Kids from the country where most of my bikes come from, never on two wheels. Anyway I have pictures on the way from my little brother. If they turn out I'll post them so you'll all get a look at my ugly mug, but more importantly the ear to ear grin on Ma's face. Man what a great day
...Why are you "OldDuffer" again young man? ;)

I can send the xrays from the last 2 surgeries. Norm would be able to point out the mess. My Ortho Doc says I have the heart of a 16 year old and the bones/joints of a 90 year old. As for Mom needing a Duc her son rides a Japanese interpretation of a sport twin. Close enough.
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