Is this how you feel about motorcycling?

LOL! Well except I like the high speed straights, the corners would be pretty fun when you don't have to slow down in the turns! :) hey it's all good - just sayin the feeling can be the same - and new friends might only want what they can get out of a 250, just like people who by run-of-the-mil 2-door commuter coupes or (gasp!) Prius's!
LOL....Pyro truth be known it would bore you to like a Prius....I just can't see laying out that much money for a bike that size...

The start of this thread was the wonderful and peaceful feeling of tranquility you get when riding your motorcycle on dangerous streets in the city....on a Honda 250R...Now they are playing this commercial about every 30 minutes...and do we all get the same kind of do you never see the big rockets on the commercials ? ; they are far and few....

When I am riding my big baby bike I am not thinking about how my day went and the wonderful things that are happening in my life....I'm relaxing, enjoying the ride, looking for cops, giving the bike a good rip when I commercial is just not realistic to me; especially on that size a motorcycle....
I agree 100% that you have to focus on riding and not daydreaming about other things, but I'll bet there are a fair number of riders here who hook up and listen to an iPod while riding. If you are zoned out listening to Led Zeppelin in your ears you are being distracted just as bad as the chick putting on her makeup or guy in the next lane fiddling with his stereo. When I'm out riding I don't need music, that is why I have two audiophile setups at home.

Not trying to divert this thread but it's cool to see another audio-head in the group!!
wow, thread nazis abound. If the guy wants to have a bad attitude then let him. jeez, but on ur big boy pants. everybody is entitled to their opinion.

there is no way in hell ud catch me on anything less than a 500 on the street. a 250 would be awesome on the track and would be fine. but there are way too many idiots in this town, plus I weigh about 250#. theres just no way.

I listen to music thru my chatterbox and I receive phone calls.Im no more distracted than anyone else. I actually find that the music track becomes background and Im more concentrated on my lines. but again thats my opinion and this is America and everybody is entitled to their own. you may think me an idiot for jamming in my lid, I may think ur an idiot for riding a 250 in traffic. we can do that, people die everyday for that right.

the one thing everybody is forgetting to, Its a honda. blech... after working on this cbr1000 in my garage, Ill never own a honda. but thats just my opinion.
I don't know if I would express it the way He does, But I do enjoy my ride into work whether I ride my DRZ400, Harley Sportster or FZ1. I hate the days I have to take my cage. I usually arrive to work about 10 minutes earlier when I ride my FZ1, I think time must slow down on that bike because I never go fast... lol

Exactly my ride to work is usually 10 minutes less on the FZ1, I always thought it was just catching all the lights lol...maybe something more to it than that.
The intense focus during lane splitting / filtering in traffic demands full attention yet has a calming effect when you reach your destination or at the end of the day, love filtering to the point of choosing the more difficult routes sometimes, a 250 cc is all what's needed LA traffic nimble & skinny, the biggest lane splitting danger is the other lane splitters.