Is a Harley the bike for you?


Well-Known Member
1) Do you need a bunch of new friends and all the normal socialy acceptable pathways just aren't working for you?
2) Do you think you look great in black leather? ie: vests with concho's and fringe and assless leather pants(chaps, the most useless of all biker apparel)
3) Do you enjoy being in parades? (whatever club you join once you have your new steed will hold these parades every weekend and slow traffic for their own ammusement)
4) Do you like the kind of ride that includes at least a half dozen taverns, saloons, bars what have you? (Harleys seem to be gravitationaly pulled towards beer halls)
5) Do you like to awaken everyone within 5 miles of your home at 3 a.m. when you get home from your parade,pub crawl, poker run, rally, whatever name their calling these booze soaked events?
6) Do you believe that the louder your bike the more of attractive to the opposite gender you become?
7) Do you have an ingrained fear of bikes with true performance and handling, and dismiss them as RICE CRAP or Euro Trash?
8) Do you believe that the fashion items mentioned in #2 are all the protection you need aside from an occasional condom in case you bed one of the FINE looking honey's at the above mentioned social events.
9) Is your garage floor too clean and in need of major oil spill, and do you have a need to get to know a mechanic better and put his kids through college?
10) Is your IQ below 90
Then the Barley Kegerson lifestyle is for you. Good posing,er riding BRO!
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I wanted to be the first to respond to my own post to state that I do not hate Harleys or the people that ride them. I just have a great deal of frustration with the local LE turning a blind eye to the general jackassery that alot of the Harley buffoons around her engage in. I live near Milwaukee so open pipes on a Hog doesn't even get a second glance. I don't like overly loud sport bikes either. But I have stood by and watched a cop shove his nightstick down the fully functioning stock exhaust on my buddies Hayabusa while 3 arse hats on hogs with open pipe roared by. And the officer offered to write me a BS ticket when I pointed out the irony of the situation.
Your right about the noise levels they get away with..I got nothing against the Hog Riders or Cruisers....Had a Cruiser for about a year and it was just too boring.....Just had no incentive to ride it....Me and my son would cruise town on it ever so often...
I think that pretty much nails it for me. I don't understand the Harley mystique, except it's apparent stupidity. Grown men and women in costume, highly impressed with exhaust noise, chrome, and image over substance. To each his own, I guess. When a Harley rider talks motorcycles with me, I try and be polite and say, "yea, I kinda like that Harley XR 1200". Which I kinda do, but probably won't ever own one.

For those who haven't read this yet:
I raced a Harley today....

"I raced a Harley today and after some really hard riding I managed to PASS the guy. I was riding on one of those really, really twisting sections of canyon road with no straight sections to speak of and where most of the curves have warning signs that say "15 MPH".

I knew if I was going to pass one of those monsters with those big-cubic-inch motors, it'd have to be in a place like this; where handling and rider skill are more important than horsepower alone.

I saw the guy up ahead as I exited one of the turns and knew I could catch him. It wouldn't be easy. I concentrated on my braking and cornering. Three corners later, I was on his fender. Catching him was one thing; passing him would prove to be another.

Two corners later, I pulled up next to him as we sailed down the mountain. I think he was shocked to see me next to him, as I nearly got by him before he could recover. Next corner, same thing. I'd manage to pull up next to him as we started to enter the corners but when we came out he'd get on the throttle and out power me. His horsepower was almost too much to overcome, but this only made me more determined than ever.

My only hope was to out brake him. I held off squeezing the lever until the last instant. I kept my nerve while he lost his. In an instant I was by him. Corner after corner, I could hear the roar of his engine as he struggled to keep up. Three more miles to go before the road straightens out and he would pass me for good.

But now I was in the lead and he would no longer hold me back. I stretched out my lead and by the time we reached the bottom of the canyon, he was more than a full corner behind. I could no longer see him in my rear-view mirror.

I had won the race to the bottom of the canyon and I had preserved the proud tradition of another of America's best bikes.

I will always remember that moment. I don't think I've ever pedaled so hard in my life. And some of the credit must go to Schwinn, as well. They really make a great bicycle..."
"I think that pretty much nails it for me. I don't understand the Harley mystique, except it's apparent stupidity. Grown men and women in costume, highly impressed with exhaust noise, chrome, and image over substance. To each his own, I guess. When a Harley rider talks motorcycles with me, I try and be polite and say, "yea, I kinda like that Harley XR 1200". Which I kinda do, but probably won't ever own one."

Best summary of Harley's I think I've ever seen.
I must confess that in 96 I almost fell for the mystique. The folks at HD are nothing if not marketing geniuses. I took a demo ride on a lowrider and my wife was smitten with the comfy(compared to my beloved CB1100F) seat.
After the demo the marketing/sales flack people gave us a "coupon" good for $500 in HD gear if we bought a bike that year. At the time we were DINKS
Dual Income No Kids. Disposable income burning holes in multiple pockets. The next time I had a free day we went to the Harley dealership in Theinsville,WI. The sales people there could not have been a bigger group of arseholes. The general attitude was "Our product is awesome and you should be happy to get on a waiting list to pay 15-25% more than msrp". Long story short bought a '96 Honda Shadow 1100. That bike was too heavy too slow and handled like a bag of bricks. But in it's defense, it would wax any Harley being made. BTW the wife rode on that bike exactly 4 times, got pregnant the next fall and gave up being my hositle pillion. (See posts in Norms excellent thread). Got an excellent trade on a very sweet CB1000 the next summer and it's been all sport oriented bikes since then.
With the exception of one really misguided purchase of a Buell. But that's for another post.
I wanted to be the first to respond to my own post to state that I do not hate Harleys or the people that ride them. I just have a great deal of frustration with the local LE turning a blind eye to the general jackassery that alot of the Harley buffoons around her engage in. I live near Milwaukee so open pipes on a Hog doesn't even get a second glance. I don't like overly loud sport bikes either. But I have stood by and watched a cop shove his nightstick down the fully functioning stock exhaust on my buddies Hayabusa while 3 arse hats on hogs with open pipe roared by. And the officer offered to write me a BS ticket when I pointed out the irony of the situation.

That's okay as I do hate Harley's so I'll make up for you. ;)
The other day I had a guy on a Harley pass two cars at a red light to come up and stop beside me. It wasn't bad lookin, big fat tire on the back, all blacked out. I waved. He looked right through me. Sitting beside me and snubbing me in his bandana and leather vest. When the light changed he tried to beat me off the line. To say I smoked him would be an understatement. Jerk.
The other day I had a guy on a Harley pass two cars at a red light to come up and stop beside me. It wasn't bad lookin, big fat tire on the back, all blacked out. I waved. He looked right through me. Sitting beside me and snubbing me in his bandana and leather vest. When the light changed he tried to beat me off the line. To say I smoked him would be an understatement. Jerk.

It's amazing how this plays out over and over again. You'd think they'd get tired of being embarrassed. Great story!
I know a few Harley riders. All of them have paid about $15K or more for their bikes. People are free to make their own financial decisions. I feel like in comparison, I have a much more reliable, less expensive, better performing bike. It does make you wonder too why people act like the biker Missyl1713 referred to, no reason to act like that. I will say that the Harley riders that I know, they are good people and I get along with them just fine.
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I know a few Harley riders. All of them have paid about $15K or more for their bikes. People are free to make their own financial decisions. I feel like in comparison, I have a much more reliable, less expensive, better performing bike. It does make you wonder too why people act like the biker Missyl1713 referred to, no reason to act like that. I will say that the Harley riders that I know, they are good people and I get along with them just fine.

It's true. I just this second got back from riding with my friend and his son. His son is in the army and home for the weekend. I'm very close to him, went to his basic training graduation and keep in touch even when he's not home. I let his son ride my FZ1, I rode the C14, and his dad on his Soft Tail Heritage. They are both great people and the dad is one of the nicest people you ever want to meet. He grew up always wanting to get a Harley, so get a Harley he did.
I'd also say that it's not just what kind of bike someone's riding but the rider, him or herself. This morning I met two nice people at the 7/11, one on a Beemer and his wife on a metric cruiser. They were extremely nice and we had a great conversation. On the way back I was coming around a long sweeping right hander and in the opposite direction came a line of four bikes. The first rider on a Harley, followed by three sportbikes. I gave them all "the wave" and got the "cold stare" from ALL of them. It doesn't bother me at all and I just got back on the handlebar and continued on my way.

Now, it's quite possible that they were all together, but it's also possible that the sportbike guys were just pissed because the Harley guy was holding them up on a great road! Hahaha! Either way I never classify anyone because of the bike they are riding. An jerk is a jerk no matter what brand is on the side of their bike.
I don't hate Harleys. I don't hate the riders. I hate how ignorant, stuck up and arrogant the majority of them are. I won't ride a Harley unless it was my last option for two wheels available. Some folks I've been around are OK but most, at least here in NH, are not worth the wave.
I don't hate Harleys. I don't hate the riders. I hate how ignorant, stuck up and arrogant the majority of them are. I won't ride a Harley unless it was my last option for two wheels available. Some folks I've been around are OK but most, at least here in NH, are not worth the wave.

Wow! Harley guys in NH must really be jackasses cause Eric is a sweetheart, so for him to say that it must be true! Shame on those New Hampshirian Harley Riders!!!!
Har Har Har Harley

Early last fall went on charity ride for our local food pantry. Most of the riders looked like Harley catalog fashion models. Most of these clowns acted like I was from another planet. I was on my FJR 1300, one goober told me at one of the stops that his V-ROD had never been beat by a crotch bike as he called it. After the ride, on the way home a few of his Bro's encouraged him to line up against me at a light. He got me off the line about half a bike, by fifth gear I had him by three lengths and still pulling away. He rode past the house couple of days later and wouldnt even wave, guess he was upset because his beanie blew off and he got spanked by a crotch bike. We also raised $890.00 to feed the hungry.
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Early last fall went on charity ride for our local food pantry. Most of the riders looked like Harley catalog fashion models. Most of these clowns acted like I was from another planet. I was on my FJR 1300, one goober told me at one of the stops that his V-ROD had never been beat by a crotch bike as he called it. After the ride, on the way home a few of his Bro's encouraged him to line up against me at a light. He got me off the line about half a bike, by fifth gear I had him by three lengths and still pulling away. He rode past the house couple of days later and wouldnt even wave, guess he was upset because his beanie blew off and he got spanked by a crotch bike. We also raised $890.00 to feed the hugry.

Lol, in here they do dress all HD as well, like the brand was paying them to advertise, lack of personality i guess. But not all are like this (just 95%), i had three harleys and i only own a single HD t-shirt sent from ebay (chinese seller, $9), and the other 3 guys i rode with Hd´s were also like that. I don´t like HOG
Early last fall went on charity ride for our local food pantry. Most of the riders looked like Harley catalog fashion models. Most of these clowns acted like I was from another planet. I was on my FJR 1300, one goober told me at one of the stops that his V-ROD had never been beat by a crotch bike as he called it. After the ride, on the way home a few of his Bro's encouraged him to line up against me at a light. He got me off the line about half a bike, by fifth gear I had him by three lengths and still pulling away. He rode past the house couple of days later and wouldnt even wave, guess he was upset because his beanie blew off and he got spanked by a crotch bike. We also raised $890.00 to feed the hugry.
That's what this guy was on, a Vrod. No competition though. I think that fat tire slowed him way down. :)
I ride with a lot of cruisers, and even a Harley or two, but it appears to me that the rudest I run into have HD on the tank.
Early last fall went on charity ride for our local food pantry. Most of the riders looked like Harley catalog fashion models. Most of these clowns acted like I was from another planet. I was on my FJR 1300, one goober told me at one of the stops that his V-ROD had never been beat by a crotch bike as he called it. After the ride, on the way home a few of his Bro's encouraged him to line up against me at a light. He got me off the line about half a bike, by fifth gear I had him by three lengths and still pulling away. He rode past the house couple of days later and wouldnt even wave, guess he was upset because his beanie blew off and he got spanked by a crotch bike. We also raised $890.00 to feed the hugry.

When I was in Florida my friend Rollie and I were racing light to light all the time. He has the VStar 1300. Depending on the start he might also get me by a half length or so for the first hundred feet or so then the FZ1 would start pulling away from him very fast once in 2nd and 3rd gear; I rarely got to fifth gear racing light to light.If I got the better start then I never looked back. The big cruisers have a nice broad engagement so pulling off the line is easier for them not to screw up. They also have some great torque. So like you, off the line, was always up for the beginning. As time went on though I got the hang of all out racing from the line and usually beat him off the line as well.

More than a few Harleys tried to get in on the act and none of them could keep pace with either of us. On one run we had a suped up late model Dodge Charger (with a "Hemi"), a Harley of some sort and Rollie and I. We all gave the engine roar to indicate the race was on: It was me by a long way, then Rollie, then the Charger, with the Harley clutching and throttling for his life on the Charges rear quarter panel.
If you stick a shyte load of money into a 45 degree air cooled V-twin you can make some real horsepower, but no reliability. Former neighbor of mine and still a friend is an HD owner, he's one of the exceptions to the rule. He liked to get his buddies that had Built Harley's all worked up then sick me on em. My sorry old CB1000 only once got a real run for it's money. Turned out the motor was a 120inch S&S special, the motor alone cost 30k. And my $5000 jap bike still took it on top end. During the Harley 100th I had my '02 ZX12R. Now somewhere out there I'm sure there is a firebreathing dragstrip Harley or two. But I can't tell you how much fun I had that week showing what my JAP CRAP could do. Like Norm said those twins have the torque off the line but they are no match for the mighty in line four. I know Vance and Hines drags Vrods in one of the big series, but those things bear no resemblance to the street version.
While giving my daughter a ride to her the sister in law's house this afternoon she got to hear and see some HD bar hoppers. We came up to a stop light two car lengths behind them after they had pulled out a bar, reving their open pipe bikes. One even did a little burnout out of the parking lot. My sweet little 12 year old tapped on my shoulder, lifted her visor and said, Daddy why don't you go smoke that jerk. Much as I was tempted I just don't do jackassery with the kiddo aboard. But man I love the little girl. She's growing up pretty and smart.
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If you stick a shyte load of money into a 45 degree air cooled V-twin you can make some real horsepower, but no reliability. Former neighbor of mine and still a friend is an HD owner, he's one of the exceptions to the rule. He liked to get his buddies that had Built Harley's all worked up then sick me on em. My sorry old CB1000 only once got a real run for it's money. Turned out the motor was a 120inch S&S special, the motor alone cost 30k. And my $5000 jap bike still took it on top end. During the Harley 100th I had my '02 ZX12R. Now somewhere out there I'm sure there is a firebreathing dragstrip Harley or two. But I can't tell you how much fun I had that week showing what my JAP CRAP could do. Like Norm said those twins have the torque off the line but they are no match for the mighty in line four. I know Vance and Hines drags Vrods in one of the big series, but those things bear no resemblance to the street version.
While giving my daughter a ride to her the sister in law's house this afternoon she got to hear and see some HD bar hoppers. We came up to a stop light two car lengths behind them after they had pulled out a bar, reving their open pipe bikes. One even did a little burnout out of the parking lot. My sweet little 12 year old tapped on my shoulder, lifted her visor and said, Daddy why don't you go smoke that jerk. Much as I was tempted I just don't do jackassery with the kiddo aboard. But man I love the little girl. She's growing up pretty and smart.[/QUOTE]

I like her already! Great kid.