How many lose their License?

As a new FZ1 guy who recognises the little devil on my shoulder whispering in my ear Twist it...TWIST IT!! And I'm about as cautious as it gets:)

How does one keep the devil at bay?
As a new FZ1 guy who recognises the little devil on my shoulder whispering in my ear Twist it...TWIST IT!! And I'm about as cautious as it gets:)

How does one keep the devil at bay?

If you ask me, take it to a "track day". Trust me, I've never had a ticket on my license for all my 32 years riding...until I got my FZ1. I just got my first speeding ticket 3 weeks ago and it's not fun. Points, higher insurance rates, and fines are what you have to look forward too if the devil talks you into it. Play it safe as I will from now on. If I really have that urge to "twist it" as you said, I'll pay for the track day to get it out of my system. Just some friendly advice for you to heed.....or not! It's ultimately up to you.
Bummer about the ticket..and good advise too. Seems no where is safe from the coppers!! :)

I took mine out to a remote location that I've been to a zillion times and no one is there this time of year...too hot. Having just got the bike I wanted to get a handle on handling so I did the usual newbie centerline dodging and found the bike is pretty nimble. Then I started doing some rollons, not super fast but the fastest was probably 80 for about 2 seconds then back down again.

THe road goes on for miles, a little more twisty, and not as maintained so I turn around. I start hearing something behind me and pulled over. Just as I did that the Sheriffs dept comes around the corner and stops and asks if everythings OK and I tell em "yup" "OK, now worries" and they take off.

Now I'm paranoid and doing the speed limit on the LONG, lonely, mostly straight, well maintained section, that easily could be 65mph or more, road until I get to the main road.

I didnt really buy the bike to go fast, I'm too big a chicken chit, but I do want to do certain fun roads on a bike that handles good and make that fun road even more fun....BUT I can see how that devil works on you:)
For me, I cannot keep the bike at bay. I find it easier to know where the LEOs hang out and avoid those areas. That was tough for this trip. We tore it up from NH to MI and simply got very lucky. We found some real go-getters out there who we let lead the way.

To help you out, google for "The Pace" and read it through. It give a great perspective on how to ride safe and have a lot of fun in the process.
For me, I cannot keep the bike at bay. I find it easier to know where the LEOs hang out and avoid those areas. That was tough for this trip. We tore it up from NH to MI and simply got very lucky. We found some real go-getters out there who we let lead the way.

To help you out, google for \"The Pace\" and read it through. It give a great perspective on how to ride safe and have a lot of fun in the process.

Is it this one:
The Pace - Nick Ienatsch - Motorcyclist magazine

That's exactly the kind of riding I'm looking for!!!
Radar Bait

I agree about the track day, always the best place for excessive speed. But if you are running fast on the regulated pavement, try and have a cluster of squids running ahead by a few minutes so that the law is busy when you pass. Up here they work in packs so that you need 2 or 3 radar baits ahead to be less likely to get a ticket.:shaking head:
I agree about the track day, always the best place for excessive speed. But if you are running fast on the regulated pavement, try and have a cluster of squids running ahead by a few minutes so that the law is busy when you pass. Up here they work in packs so that you need 2 or 3 radar baits ahead to be less likely to get a ticket.:shaking head:
My advice is to know your area. If you live near a city or if you live in a remote area without a lot of traffic, will play a major role on hittin the throttle. The urge strikes me every time I ride, but the bike accelerates and decellerates so fast that you can go from 70 to 130 and back to seventy in about 5 seconds. Give or take a sec : ) If you know the area really well and know where the cops hang out, then you should also know where they rarely are as well. I ride a lot of curvy roads on purpose, to keep me from hittin the throttle so hard. In the curves I rarely get to hit high speeds.
Good advise all around..thanks!

What about radar detectors? I really am not looking to speed just something to remind me to look down at the speedo and verify. :innocent0002:
The Pace is great, but I don't track. No time and don't necessarily want to wait in line to ride on a track.

I average a speeding ticket every 12 to 18 months, but as a lawyer I keep my driving record clean. My bike miles are fractional to my auto miles, but on a cycle I am usually very fast on the street.

I've had close calls but have never been cited on a bike. On my 26 mile ride to work, I'm in triple digits for about 12.

My best advice is to know the road and where smokey is eating donuts. Obviously don't override your safety zone. The Pace is something that can help prepare you for those wild moments---but its a risk I'll continue to take until I run out of luck

Neither cops nor lawyers talk there way out of mid triple digit tickets
That is it! It has become a legend and a mantra for many a rider. I re-read it every spring before taking the bike out of storage for the first time. :tup:

Poor Eric and everyone else on the East coast....-- when you guys are getting ready for the winter months -- I'll still be riding in 50+ temperatures......tis almost that time of year again.....

The Pace is great, but I don't track. No time and don't necessarily want to wait in line to ride on a track.

My bike miles are fractional to my auto miles, but on a cycle I am usually very fast on the street.

On my 26 mile ride to work, I'm in triple digits for about 12.

The Pace is something that can help prepare you for those wild moments---but its a risk I'll continue to take until I run out of luck

Thanks for the warning!