Happy Day!


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a Penske 8983 and a Rizoma rearset! I'm stoked! :woot:
Now if they would just arrive already, and my life would be complete (until I start saving for the full R77 :) ).

Thanks to Johnny and Hellgate for sharing their experience and advice yesterday on their Penske's and Traxxion!
You members know I'm a mechanical moron. Which is why my bikes usually remain close to stock. But you got me wondering about these suspension mods. I don't plan to use my bike at the track so do you think if I had one of these I'd know the difference on regular roads? One thing I noted is that on rough roads my C14 holds the road better than the FZ1. I felt this was due to the C14 being heavier and having a better suspension. So if I get a better suspension would the FZ1 "stick" to the road better? Sorry for the elementary school question.
Good choices, I thought you would have gone with the 8900. You will love the 8983 it is sweet as well as the Rizoma's. Did you get the Rizoma's new or used?

I got the rearset used, saved a couple hundred bucks. Hopefully that shows up by Sat so i can get it on this weekend. As for the shock, Lee said the owner of Traxxion recently talked with Penske about their processing time and he's hoping now it shouldn't take more than 2-3 weeks. Here's hoping. :)