Get a refund on your speeding ticket

Aha this is a story close to my wallet.

There are two permanent speed cameras hidden on the back of a freeway overpass covering 2 lanes, only one of them was working the day this happened.

They reduced the speed limit from 100kmh/60mph down to 40kmh/25mph for an hour and a half on a Sunday afternoon while there were some roadworks going on. The roadworks finished some distance before the overpass where the speed cameras are hidden, so after they'd passed them everyone started speeding up again. However the drivers were supposed to wait for the 'end roadworks 100km/h' signs which were conveniently located 200m past the bridge before speeding up.

As a result almost a thousand drivers got nailed, and that was only from one operating camera covering the left (slow) lane for those 90 minutes.

Something like $350,000 worth of fines were issued while the speed limit was reduced and nearly 50% of the drivers who passed the camera during those 90 mins were fined. The normal rate of speeding detections past a fixed camera is less than 1%.

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Of course this is all in the name of "safety" but funny enough there were no accidents or injuries on the Western Ring Road that day, despite all the horrendous "speeding" that was going on.

The cameras at that bridge alone have generated over $30 million dollars in fines in the last 12 months.

They are 2 out of a network of over 300 fixed speed/redlight cameras in Melbourne.
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