fastest you've had your fz1???

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indicated 152 without red line and didn't wind out 5th before shifting into 6th, still had more juice, just ran out of road maybe try again tomorrow.

gps indicated

Avg Speed: 45.2 mph
Max Speed: 146.6 mph
Min Altitude: 0 ft
Max Altitude: 79 ft
i will put my 07 against any mag article hit 160/165 pretty regular work Alot of overtime helps with stress. two bros. ex , filter , velocity stacks, two bros juice box. is there anyone from the state of louisiana on this site?
i will put my 07 against any mag article hit 160/165 pretty regular work Alot of overtime helps with stress. two bros. ex , filter , velocity stacks, two bros juice box. is there anyone from the state of louisiana on this site?

I think when he was refering to magazine articles, he was talking about stock bikes. You seem to be modded, which helps these bike to break the 160 MPH barrier apparently.
Fastest with 16/47 gearing was 228km, could have squeezed more but with wildlife (bears and also real bears / deers/ etc) chicken out. Also hit 205km with my friends wife on the back. Should start another top speed with a passenger.
1 million miles per hour

Reminds me of a a sign a warrant officer in TX had on his desk. Hunters, fishermen and other liars gather here. Ha.

Hadn't tried to top mine out yet. I hit a buck 20 a few times without trying very hard. I took my last girlfriend ~105 on her first ride and when we got off she said, "that didn't feel very fast." Gotta love the weight of a liter bike. I don't think I'm going to try pushing mine to Ludicrous Speed, though. Looking to get a Ducati 848 or 1098 down the road that I might occasionally push, though. Mostly want it for pulling tang, though... I live in So Cal. That should say it all.

I've only been able to get up to 115, I'm too scared to go faster... I'm a 220 lB 6'7" rider, and it's stock, it has way more throttle, and I'm only in 3rd, so I dunno, I do know, if you ever think of gettin a new tranny, you could space the higher gears out farther, I want that to do just that...
I only have to ask, will the front end lift off at 130, or am I just too scared of stupid things, I cruise at 70-90 MPH though, 60 is too slow

03 FZ1 Liquid silver, Stock
mine's a '06 FZ1S
nothin much done.. just a gutted cat and an arrow slip ons with stock sprox.. fasted i did is 288KM/H grazin on the redline was whack!! hahaah :smoking:
gtbigup01, no need to lie about tang. I'm happily divorced with no gf which is why I can do the bikes and guns and girls and all the fun stuff I enjoy.

Any of you guys ride in Southern California?
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