Excellent video in the Tail of the Dragon from Killboy

Ok, so this weekend, I'll start an official meet thread and get folks signed up. If we get more than the place can handle, we can expand to one of their other lodges and rent two. I will talk to the wife but I think I can swing payment for the place and have everyone pay me. I'll post details and rules just like the FZ6 folks did.

I may have to scratch that week in Sept I mentioned. It is actually that week that we have been planning to take with another couple elsewhere. Let me look into availability for lodging and get back to this... :(

Who's a definite "Will be there" candidate based on pricing?

1. FZ1inNH (Eric)
2. Mrs. FZ1inNH (Michele)
3. FZ1riderNY (Billy) I will still need to know the week though.
4. Norm- I'll need to know the week as well
5. NJFZ1 (Tony) Either of those weeks in September work for me.
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
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Hey Eric, can we start an official Deals Gap Trip thread? This way we are all on the same page. I am really stoked about the trip and I already informed the guys at work that I will be going at some point. Lets get coordinated as soon as we can. I'm excited!!!:sinister: