Do you guys know of a surveillance system for hit and runs? My 2nd case in 3 months!!

Sorry that happened to you. I had similar experience with my 92 ZX11 but I did learn an important lesson on how to park my motorcycle. I used to pull all the way up to the curb but not anymore. What probably happened in my case was I had cars parked on both sides of my bike and someone probably thought the space was empty and rushed into my spot to fast and hit my bike. After that I now keep my front wheel all the way forward so that it was obvious that my spot is taken. It’s the same thing when looking for parking spaces and you think you may have found one and as pull up to there is a little car in there.
Thanks for the advice UP. I appreciate it.

You know - this last wreck has changed me as well. Before - I would pull into a parking spot and I would always keep in mind that I needed to be seen but I didn't go overboard. NOW I GO OVERBOARD!!!
I take parking spots that will drastically reduce me from being hit. Ex) I pulled in to the bank today and passed up about 6 spots in front to go way over to the side of the parking lot. The way the lot is shaped - it would be virtually impossible to hit me there on purpose or by accident. Either way. I think this accident has changed the way I will park my bike forever (and I was not careless before)
Not sure what's confusing?
I pulled into the parking space facing forward. Meaning my front tire was facing the building. The black car backed out and turned toward Hwy 377 to exit the parking lot. The Jeep must have hit my bike in the rear tire area (on the passenger side) and spun the bike about 45 degrees as it was following the same route as the black car. My bike was lying on it's side.

The black car was pulling out as I was going into the store. There were 2 guys sitting in the Jeep as I was going into Whataburger to get something to eat. That Jeep was the only car in the parking lot when I was going inside. The cashier asked me about my bike about 1 minute later (maybe less).


The curb really doesn't come into play as my bike never hit it. My FZ1 was lying flat on the ground.
if you pulled in regularly then ya ,it appeared to me that you were parked across the spot and your bike fell away from the curb : oops:
I have the fix for the tank, lolup
Remove the tank, and simply make a 1in dia. x 2in long, quarter stick of TNT if you will, with a 6in wick, drop it in the tank, slap the gas cap shut, and run like a mofo:smokin2: it is my best guess on how to pop that dent out.
or buy a new one, you could look at it like there is nothing to loose.:party0011:

It may just take that much force to pop that dent!!

Well I tried to edit the title but I couldn't seem to do it. Let me C/P what I wrote in the title:



I work tonight but I don't care! I'm so pumped up that I'm going down to speak to the cops right now!!!! I can't wait to hear what they have to say!!!!
I just called the Yamaha shop and asked them (as a favor) to do a quick) ASAP estimate. I can't wait to see what that turns out to be
Going down to talk to the cops now - swing by the Yama Shop first and get a number.
I'm so happy that they found these guys!!!!!!!! My faith in my town's police department has gone WAY up!!!!!!!!!!!!