December 2012 M.B.O.M - Winner Lytehouse

The December 2012 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" in the upper right hand corner of the gallery. Click on that to start your upload.

December 2012 - M.B.O.M <== click here

The rules are simple; One picture per member can be entered every month (unless you won the previous month). You must wait 2 months before entering the same bike after winning. Voting will be enabled on Saturday, November 17th and a winner announced on Monday, November 26th.

The idea is to have a classy picture that showcases your machine in a nicely composed photo. It does not have to be an FZ1 but it must be yours. That's it! It is as much about the picture as the machine. You do not have to have a highly modified bike to enter, just a great picture! Just keep in mind that all photos must be family friendly! The winner's photo will grace the home page of for the specified month.

May the best picture Win!

Tip: Keep image pixels below 2500 X 2500. You will get an error 301 if your image is to large either by pixels or file size. Keeping them 1280 X 1024 or smaller will almost guarantee no issues.
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Voting has been enabled.

Sorry I had to remove Dustin's pic from the line up but I sure hope he enters it in January! If you win one month you have to take off the next two contests before entering again. I will word that better for the January contest announcement.
Winner Announced - Lytehouse

Lytehouse takes the December win by a very narrow margin. Congrats Lytehouse!


Lots of great photos this month.