colour matched bits


Sweet! Thanks for the link to the gold tank logos. Only wish i could order a little closer to home, noticed they are in Maylasia, surely someone in the good ole USA has some? Keep the gold bits coming!!!

I agree with the closer to home. I am always a bit leary about ordering from places halfway across the planet. I am sure that a decal shop could make the gold logo into a "Gel Decal", especially if you stopped by their shop with the bike and showed them the size and look that you want. There is the trademark issue that may come up. Some places would never duplicate a big company's logo for fear of a lawsuit.
You could always e-mail Yamaha's customer service and tell them what you want. You could get lucky, just butter them up a little. How you have always loved Yamaha and would never even look at what their competition makes etc. etc...