Bazzaz ZFI for FZ1

Does anyone have any experience that they can share with respect to Bazzaz ? I was looking at the installation instructions and looks like there needs to be some tampering with cables unlike the PC V.

Any inputs will be very valuable.

(Couldn't find this info in the forum, hence the post)
After I read your post, I went and looked at the Bazzaz instructions and like you, my impression is that I would take the bike to a "good" shop for this installation, but I am not much of a mechanic. It looked like there are a fair number of wiring hook-ups that need to be done correctly. More than the PC V if I recall. I can just imagine how many hours of labor my shop would want for this installation. Prolly 3 @ $85/hr. minimum.
Got the Bazzaz installed on my FZ from a good mechanic locally and it took about 4 hours to install the same. Don't have much of a riding experience with the same, but one thing I've observed is that I'm not running much lean. I'll post my observations on this thread shortly after having a good ride on the same.

Thanks everyone!!
Everything in the instructions were right, except that it didn't talk about where exactly to place the ZFI. The size can't fit snug in the rear seat compartment, so this is how we managed to place it.